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A small noise gets caught in her throat as she drops to her knees, pawing through the bag I stole once. As she stands, she brushes grass from her black tights. I have half a mind to bring her with me when I get my Jeep, toss her in the back and rip her tights apart to get to her.

She’ll learn that I’m in charge.

My keys dangle from her fingers and I rip them away from her. She jumps and hugs herself, eyes moving between me and the people watching. Her cheeks are pink and with a shaking hand, she pushes the loose strands out of her face.

I grab her chin and force her gaze back to me.

“I always get what I want.” I pin her with a possessive, dangerous look, willing her to understand. “Don’t test me again.”

It takes a few seconds, but she lifts her eyes to me. They’re shiny with emotion. Staring at me with her bottom lip sucked into her mouth, she nods in agreement.

Gemma Turner has finally recognized that no one denies me. And she won’t escape.



Lucas Saint will take everything if I let him.

I can’t let him.

I have no idea what I’m doing anymore. I wasn’t going to let him win or get to me…but I can’t deny that the kisses are insanely good. He has a talent for breaking through all of my defenses when his mouth is on mine, making me forget for a second why I hate him as I’m swept away on the tide of his kisses.

I’m stuck between anticipating him and fending him off.

After Lucas came for his keys, he attacked me with a kiss whenever he found me at school. Every morning I strengthen my resolve, staring myself down in the mirror as I coach myself to stay strong.

And every day he breaks through and makes me crumble against his body.

I should hate him with every fiber of my being.

But I don’t think I do.

My head is so messed up.

There might not be a point in fighting him, other than my pride. Everyone in school already thinks I’m with Lucas. Social proof flies around via mass text, Snapchat, and Instagram all day. People record our kisses and slap stickers and captions detailing their precious Saint’s latest conquest.

I overhear bets running for how long I’ll last before the next girl gets a turn.

How long until the prude breaks.

That’s what they think of me. Even now that the students have backed off a little, it’s a double-edged sword to be Lucas’ fixation. Instead of being open about it, the bullying from other girls continues in sneaky ways. I’m cornered in the bathroom and told to move on by girls I’ve never met. They’re eager for their turn.

Carter Burns is the only one bold enough to keep proclaiming dibs when Lucas finishes with me. He’s only so brave, though. He waits until Lucas isn’t around to corner me.

Carter makes my skin crawl. Unlike Lucas, who makes me question my sanity because he’s gotten in my head and refuses to fuck off, the way Carter looks at me makes me uncomfortable.

He poses a different kind of threat.

My only safe haven from the absurdity is at home.

I’m doing the dishes after dinner when Alec whips me with a dishtowel.


Alec dances away when I flick soapy water at him.

“Butt face.” I hold two fingers up and wave them between my face and his. “I’ll remember that. I’m watching you. Expect payback.”

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance