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Ignoring the group of douchebags, I shove the doors open with my backside, burdened by a stack of books from my locker. Students shoot me open looks as we head en masse for the parking lot.

If I can’t find my bag…I don’t even want to think about it. I have to find it.

That camera is my lifeline.

Blair caught up with me later in the afternoon and helped me retrace my anxious steps. She reminded me not to let these assholes get to me, but the advice fell flat when she was gritting her teeth from being slapped with an in school suspension for taking an extra carton of milk.

I hike my heavy stack of books higher as I go down the steps to the parking lot. Right about now I’m regretting parking at the very back corner. My biceps burn with the effort of holding my stuff.

I’m a little winded by the time I reach the car. A little groan of relief passes my lips and I rest my load on the bumper. Thankfully Alec has the car keys. If they’d been in my bag that would have made a sucky situation even worse.

It’s bad enough as it is.

My heart hangs heavy with a well of emotion that makes my throat scratchy. I suck in a deep gulp of air to hold back the tears threatening to burst free.

After the short break, I readjust my stack of books so I can put them on the hood. As I round the back of the car, I stop with a sharp breath.

Lucas leans against the CR-V.

He holds up my bag with a lazy smirk.

“Looking for this?”

Tears prick my eyes as I release a watery gasp.

The crash of emotions is hard to pick apart between the annoyance at his existence and the balm of relief to find my bag safe and sound. My shoulders sag and I close the distance between us.

“Give me that. How did you even get it?” I shake my head as soon as the words leave my mouth. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. You’re an asshole, by the way.”

A laugh puffs out of him. “Hello to you, too.”

I grapple with my cumbersome books and finally squat to dump them on the ground. I pop back up and blow hair out of my face.

Lucas doesn’t offer up my bag. When I grab for it, he holds it out of reach. My gut twists and I pummel his chests with a fierce yell.

“Don’t drop it!” I lift my hands, trying to reach. “Come on.”

Lucas wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me against his body. He’s warm and I can smell the forest-clean scent of his aftershave. His fingers dance over my back, sliding beneath my school blazer.

“Give me a kiss and you can have your things back.”

A bolt of indignation shoots up my spine and I grunt as I try to claw my bag away from him. He holds it higher and I grow more pissed.

“Damn it, Lucas!”

He chuckles, low and smoky. Every shift brings the hard curve of his pecs and the firm planes of his stomach against me. His bicep ripples and bunches as he adjusts his hold on me. Fuck, why does he have to smell so good?

“Give me a kiss,” he demands.

“That’s coerced consent. It’s not real consent.” Tired of stretching, I rest my hands on his shoulders. He stares into my eyes and I gulp. Reflexively, I spit out, “Fuck you.”

Lucas chuckles again, his mouth curving into a cocksure smile. He releases me and has no trouble keeping me at arm’s length as he paws through my bag.

“I know you’re behind this.”

“Prove it.”

I grit my teeth. Damn him.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance