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Within a few minutes, he revs the Range Rover’s engine and leaves me alone in the dusk blanketing the lot. I curse him quietly.

The overhead lights flicker on, but my car sits between two pools of light in the growing darkness.

The security booth is empty, the guard done for the evening.

I send a text to Alec.

Gemma: Are you done practice yet? I’m at the car. The air’s been let out of all 4 tires. [Frown emoji] [Frown emoji]

A few minutes later, his response has my stomach sinking.

Alec: WTF??? That’s my car too. [Knife emoji]

Alec: I’m hitting the weight room. I’ll catch a ride with one of the guys. You’re on your own. Better get it fixed by tomorrow.

I squeeze the phone and groan in frustration.

“Stupid jerkface brother,” I mumble.

Plan B. I open the door and plop my bag on the seat. I dig through my wallet and find the roadside assistance card. After going through the automated prompts, I prop the phone between my ear and shoulder. I lean against the side of the car and debate turning it on to sit in the warmth rather than freezing my ass outside in this stupid uniform.

The low rumble of an engine echoes in the distance, probably another athlete heading home after practice. A loud screech of tires follows, coming closer. People at this school are such stupid daredevils, but I don’t have time for some asshole’s nonsense right now. I’ve got classical holding music in my ear and I’m cold.

The car stops behind me. Then there are hands on me and I shriek. The hands grip hard enough to bruise as I’m wrenched away from my car. My phone clatters on the ground. I do my best to struggle free, dropping my dead weight and trying to throw off my attacker.

The psycho is strong as fuck and all I get for my trouble is a grunted curse.

“Let me go!” I yell, hoping someone at this godforsaken hell hole of a school will hear.

Soft fabric drops over my head—a t-shirt, maybe? Either way, it’s black and I can’t see shit. I try to calm my breathing so I don’t spiral into a panic. The heat of my air trapped in the material blindfolding me is humid.

My attacker lifts me from the ground when I stop struggling and my fear amplifies again, skittering across my skin in distressed chills.

When I hear a car door open, I cry, “No!”

I can’t leave the scene! That’s always what the crime shows say. If I’m taken without my phone, there’s no trace of me to follow. I dig my nails into the muscular forearms wrapped around my waist like iron bands.

“Jesus, Ge—!” he growls and cuts himself off, jerking me around and forcing me into the unfamiliar car.

“Just let me go,” I plead. “The cops will find you. They always do.”

As I keep babbling, I pat down my pockets for any clue I can drop that Alec or someone else might find and know that I’m in trouble. I come up empty and tears sting my eyes. My chest heaves with a ragged breath.

I’m being kidnapped and no one will know how to find me.

My assailant wrestles my hands into my lap, squeezing my wrists until the bones jolt with pain. A whimper escapes me as he tightens a loop of plastic over my wrists, binding me with a zip tie. In the struggle, my elbow catches on the center console. I turn my head from side to side, trying to squint through tears and the t-shirt covering my head for any information.

The monster crowds into my space, dragging his fingers up my legs. I didn’t wear tights today because I ran out of clean ones. He teases his touch beneath the hem of my skirt, stroking the tops of my thighs.

I grit my teeth, forcing out a vicious growl as I clamp my legs together, twisting my ankles around to lock my legs. This fucker has another thing coming if he thinks I’ll let him rape me so easily.

He disappears with a muttered curse.

My throat burns like a fire has razed it. My breath comes in harsh pants as the door slams. Am I alone?

The car is running, the radio set to the local alt-rock st

ation. I hear the muffled thump of a car door closing before another opens behind me. I twist my head to the side to listen better. The monster dumps off a sack or something in the back seat, then he gets in and we’re on the move.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance