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Behind us, another guy leans against the red sports car and crosses his legs at the ankle. His dark hair swoops into his eyes and his school tie is loose, hanging askew.

He lights up a cigarette despite the security guard in the booth right across from us. Curls of smoke snake out of his nostrils as he stares us down, slouched against his ride.

“Taking red out today, Dev?” Lucas asks.

The corner of the guy’s mouth curls up and he shrugs. He runs his palm across the gleaming paint like a caress. “She was feeling neglected.”

“The car?” I ask before I remember my vow not to interact with anyone.

Lucas’ friend tilts his head at me. I purse my lips and flip my hastily done braid over my shoulder.

Keep quiet, Gem.

“You’re new, right?” The grin Lucas shoots me is all predatory. “Alec is good about introducing himself around. But not you, huh?”

“I’m Devlin.” The smoker with the fancy car offers his hand to shake.

I grant him a tight smile and don’t take it. Lucas watches us. I can almost feel the press of his eyes skating across my skin.

“This is the part where you give us your name, sweetheart.”

Lucas takes a step toward me when I don’t answer.

“Gemma. Her name’s Gemma.”

I glare at Alec. He shrugs and goes back to ignoring me.

“Gemma,” Lucas murmurs. “Now I know what to call you in my head instead of sexy.” Heat flares in his eyes as he takes another step until his body almost brushes against mine. “Been thinking about you since Friday night. You been thinking about me, sweetheart? Was I in your dreams giving you more?”

My eyes widen at his brazen questions when my brother is right there and he just met me. Well, sort of. Friday doesn’t count.

“Not for a single second,” I lie, glossing over how he was on my mind five minutes ago when I was ranting in my head about his entitled attitude.

Lucas smirk

s like he can see right through it. He taps my nose with a curled knuckle.

“Guess I’ll have to kiss you again to set you right.”

“Try it.” I show him my teeth. “I’ll bite you harder this time.”

With a sharp inhale Lucas grabs the edge of my skirt in his fist as he maneuvers me back a step until my shoulders hit the rear of my car.

“You’re getting me all riled up. Keep talking like that, babe, and I’ll have to tear into you right now. In front of everyone.”

Protests scream in my rigid body. “Stop it.”

“If they didn’t catch the show on Friday night, they’ll get a rerun. Everyone pulling in will see you begging for it.”

I stare up at him, my face a blank mask. I force every ounce of self confidence and strength I have into it. On the inside my stomach ices over and I prepare to stomp on his foot again.

Is Alec really going to stand by and watch without doing anything?

My throat burns and I clench my jaw. I’m the only person I can rely on to protect myself.

Lucas traces my lower lip. I snap my teeth and he jerks his hand away before I can get him.

A cruel, raspy laugh rolls through him.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance