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It’s like last time all over again. Carter covers my back with his body.

Pained cries get stuck in my throat as Carter grinds on me. Tears burst forth like a wellspring.

“Please don’t do this!”

Carter mumbles to himself, an incoherent string of words. He’s too drunk for me to reason with.

His hands mesh with Matt’s in my head as he touches me, my assault in the past converging with the one currently playing out.

I’m barely able to draw air into my lungs as I hyperventilate. Panic collides with the awful memories of Matt, leaving me almost catatonic.

I have to do something! If I don’t save myself, no one else will. Alec is out there and has no idea I’m in trouble. Again.

It takes a monumental effort, but as Carter tugs uselessly at the waistband of my tight leather pants from behind, I bring my breathing under control. My throat is sore from screaming. I clench my fists in the covers, thinking I might be able to confuse Carter for a split second by covering his drunk ass with them.

My opportunity comes when Carter grunts and flips me over. I bounce on the mattress, rolling into action without waiting. I drive my knee towards his groin.

“Augh!” Carter shouts, crumpling over the edge of the bed.

This is my chance!

I scramble in a twisted mess of bedding to get away. Then he grabs me again.


My pulse rockets out of control. My chance to get away slips through my fingers as Carter pins me to the bed. It’s difficult to breathe with his entire weight crushing me.

“Bitch!” Carter snarls.

It must have been a glancing blow to his balls. Frustration slithers down my spine. I blink back more tears.

Carter slides his hands beneath my shirt and bra, going so roughly the shirt rips at the seams. He digs his fingers into my breasts until it hurts. I whimper pitifully as tears stream down my cheeks.

His breath coasts over my face. “You’re gonna wish y’didn’t pull that shit. Lucas likes his girls to play rough. But I like it when they take it.”

A silent sob wracks my body, precious air hissing between my clenched teeth.

Dread fills me. This isn’t like what happened with Matt. This is so much worse.

He pinches my nipples savagely, beady black eyes pinned on me, watching the way my face twists in pain and horror.

I turn my head away. I can’t look at Carter anymore. I close my eyes for a brief respite, wondering if it’s true what some articles say about the mind’s ability to shut off in extreme trauma situations. Maybe I’ll get a mental panic room to block it all out.

That would be lucky.

It’s sick that thoughts like that cross my mind.

Carter mistreats my breasts and drags his gross lips on my neck. I jerk, unable to sit there and take it, no matter the threat he poses.

It’s crystal clear to me now. Lucas is nothing like this. A rapist. My heart cracks open, the contents leaking onto the floor as I wish for Lucas to show up. He would never hurt me the way Carter is about to. The worst mind games Lucas plays don’t cut as deeply as this.

But even if he’s not the perilous monster Carter is, Lucas isn’t here to protect me.

I want him here. I want Lucas’ strong arms and gentle touch. I would give anything for Lucas to kidnap me right now. I’d gladly enter his cage and sing like a pretty canary.

If only he’d come for me. If only I hadn’t protected my heart by slamming walls around myself. For what? My pride? Look where that’s gotten me.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance