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She hugged him tightly. He mumbled something into her hair but she struggled to make out his words.

“What, my love?”

He took a step back and repeated his words. Louder this time, whilst staring deep into her eyes. “I promise you. I will do whatever is in my power to make sure our children will know the gift of love. And that they will, above all else, seek this beautiful gift. I will make sure of it that before I die, my children will have found their true love.”



“And then this evening, we have the Dolores Gala Dinner, which is sure to host some of the biggest names in the industry. Some big sponsors will be there. Think brand CEOs.” Simone pushed back her hair before tapping on her tablet again. For the last ten minutes, she’d been rattling off event after event, dinners, brunches, and so on, as if they were options on a menu. I picked up my mug of tea and took another sip.

Ugh. It’s not even warm.

I was strange like that. Even at the peak of the hottest of months, in the most humid of countries that I had ever visited, my body craved piping-hot tea. The kind you need to blow at for a couple of minutes. The kind that brings on the sweats just from drinking it.

Not that you needed hot tea to make you sweat in Cartagena. The moment I had stepped off the plane, the heat and humidity had hit me as I’d never been hit before—that, and the salty taste of the air that almost all cities built around oceans can boast. A big salty, sweaty, humid ball punched me right in the gut. That was my first impression of Colombia.

It was also one of the most beautiful places I had ever visited. Not that I could boast about having visited a ton of places to compare it to. I had never even left the States before this trip and that was all thanks to my agent, who was by this point speaking again. I nodded, having no idea what she had just said. A bead of sweat rolled slowly down my temple.

Elly, you really should be concentrating on what Simone is saying or you’re going to agree to something you don’t want to do. Like a photo shoot.

“I need you looking sharp and, you know…” Simone finally looked up at me and waved her hand in my direction. “You have to act…appropriately.”

“Appropriately? What do you mean?”

“Oh, you know…like, do you have a dress to wear for today’s gala?”

“A dress? Uh, no. I only brought my tennis gear and then a couple pairs of jeans in case we go, I don’t know…exploring the city.”

“Jeans!” My agent’s voice was shrill enough that the elderly couple a few tables over looked up from their game of Scrabble. I blushed.

“I’m sorry. I, uh, didn’t think I’d need one…” I stammered, lowering my eyes.

My agent sighed. “Right. I’m going to catch a taxi right now to go fetch something. I can’t have you walking into the Dolores Gala Dinner looking like you’re headed for a late-night movie.” Simone rolled her eyes with such force, I thought her eyeballs would surely roll out of their sockets.

But of course they didn’t. This was Simone’s signature move. In the year that she had represented me, I’d seen her roll, tsk, and fling her hands so many times that it had become the norm. I wondered if she got just as frustrated with the other athletes she represented, or if it was just me who seemed to always get on her nerves.

Probably just me.

“Okay. Would you like me to come along?” I asked. I was being polite. I already knew what her answer would be.

“No. I know exactly what you’re going to do—say no to everything I suggest until we have no time left and you finally settle on something that makes you look like a nun. I know your size and I know what I want.” Simone abruptly stood up.

So much for what I want,I thought gloomily. But I didn’t say it out loud. I was glad that I wouldn’t have to spend the next hour or so trailing from shop to shop doing what I hated most—clothes shopping. I’d much rather walk down to the beach, sink my toes into the sand, and wait for the cool water to lap at my ankles. And let my thoughts drift…

“While I’m away, I will ask that you request more towels for my room. And I expect a coffee to be delivered at six thirty sharp tomorrow morning. Can I leave you to do that?” Simone looked up at me expectantly.

“Okay,” I said, my eyes still drifting towards the window facing the sea. I could feel myself being pulled in that direction.A few more minutes, I told myself,and I will be able to breathe in the salty air of the Caribbean.

Mom would have loved to take a stroll there.

The thought startled me. I’d been doing everything in my power to not dwell on how awful I was feeling that she wasn't here in Colombia with me.

Maybe I should’ve canceled this trip. What if something happens to her…?

“Oh my God.” Suddenly, Simone planted herself back down next to me.

Startled, my head jerked in the direction of her gaze. Her eyes were fixed on a group of men in suits and ties who had just walked into the lobby.

Tags: Holly Rayner Billionaire Romance