Page 82 of The Reaper

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“About damn time.”

“I thought so too,” I said.

Rhys stared at me, mouth open as I took the plate of sandwiches from Jacob.

“Come on. I need to make sure Arturo doesn’t cause more trouble before I send him home to my father.”

When we reached Arturo’s room, Grant looked up from the chair where he was sitting, typing on his laptop, while a very pouty Arturo scowled at a phone someone must have given him.

“Thank God you’re back,” Grant said. “Is everything taken care of?”

“Yes. Colton took over cleanup. As long as you trust him to deal with that, it’s done.”

“I’ll check on his job after we’ve had a chance to debrief.” Grant looked longingly at the sandwiches. “Is one of those for me?”

“I suppose we could share.” Grant grabbed one and so did Rhys.

Arturo huffed. “I’m starving, and there’s nothing here I want.”

All my worries about my brother vanished. Seeing firsthand that he was acting like his usual, entitled self let me know he was on his way to a full recovery.

I scowled at him, then turned to Grant. “Is this brat giving you trouble?”

“Why’d you bother to save me if I’m such a brat?” Arturo whined.

I rolled my eyes. “Why are you acting like a brat to the people who helped rescue you?”

“I want to go home. I told them I’m fine, but they don’t believe me. I don’t want to be here. I…” He squeezed his eyes shut.

I handed the plate to Rhys and sat down on the bed so I could pull him into my arms.

“I want my mom,” he sobbed against my shoulder. He might be a little asshole sometimes, but he was still a scared kid.

“In a few minutes, I’m going to call our father. Once I’ve got word from him that it’s safe for you to talk to your mom, she’ll call you, and I’ll make a plan to get you home as soon as I can without putting you in more danger.

“Fine. I… I don’t want to be here, but I… Thank you.”

“I hope you know I will always come to your rescue.”

He tilted his head and studied me. “You will?”


“And Franco… He’s dead?”

I nodded. “Very dead, and I have the names of all the traitors who sided with him.”

“And you’ll kill them too?”

Had I been that bloodthirsty at his age? Probably. “I’ll make sure they are taken care of, but their exact sentence will be up to our father.”

He nodded. At least when it came to family issues, he accepted our father’s authority, most likely because Dad also spoiled him when there wasn’t a life-or-death situation involved.

When Arturo had gotten himself pulled together, he accepted one of the sandwiches. We coerced Jacob into sitting with him so the rest of us could meet to go over what had happened.

X joined us by video, and I gave him a detailed explanation of capturing and interrogating Franco. He assured me that he would provide whatever help I needed to eliminate the remaining threat to my family.

When we ended the call with him, I looked around the room at Grant, Rogue, Ghost, and Rhys. “Thank you for all your help.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance