Page 77 of The Reaper

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“We’ll go in Rogue’s truck and come back for mine later. At least it’s parked legally.”

Rogue’s truck was still there with a ticket on the window. “I stuck it in the console to deal with later. That was the least of my worries now.”

“Slide over,” TJ said. “I’m driving.”

He was leaning against the driver’s door so close I could feel the heat of him. I wanted to pull him against me, but we were in too public a place, and even if I didn’t care who saw, neither of us needed our brains further scrambled.

I looked at him over my shoulder. “Is that really a good idea?” I doubted he was in any shape to be driving. It was a miracle we’d both made it to the airport alive.

“I need to be doing something, or I’ll lose my mind.”

So did I, but it was his brother out there in danger, so I did as he asked.



Rhys and I were both silent at the beginning of the drive. I wanted to feel the same connection I’d felt with him the afternoon before in his private shed, but I wasn’t sure how to get us back to that place or if that was even possible.

Eventually, I reached over and laid a hand on his thigh. He glanced at me, then placed his hand on top of mine and brushed his thumb back and forth in a slow, warm rhythm. The silence went on a little longer before he said, “I should never have let you go.”

“It’s what I needed to do, and you let me. You let me make my own decision. Don’t regret that.”

“There’s going to be a lot more of that with us in the future, isn’t there? Us wanting to make our own decisions, ones the other disagrees with?”

“So you do see a future for us?” Could I be that lucky?

“I don’t know how to see anything else at this point. When I thought I might never see you again, that you might head to Chicago, solve the problem with Franco, and go back to doing what your father wanted you to do, I’d never felt so empty.”

“I told you I’d come back. I needed to finish what I started when I kissed you.”

“Attacked me more like.”

“You loved it.”

Rhys smiled. “I always do.”

I wanted to ask if that was the only thing about me he loved, but I didn’t have the courage to put that question out there.

I focused on the road for a while until thoughts of my brother, scared, alone, hurt, or worse began to circle in my mind, preventing me from paying attention. I almost sideswiped a truck. Rhys grabbed for the steering wheel, but I jerked us back into our lane.

“Pull over and let me drive.”

“No, I’m okay.”

“You are not okay.”

“Talk to me. Distract me. That’s what I need.”

I needed a hell of a lot more than that, but for right now, that was the only thing Rhys could do.

We reached the ranch at almost the same time as Ghost, and we all convened in the basement conference room that served as their command center. Ghost sat on the opposite side of the table from Rogue, and both of them seemed to be trying hard not to look at the other. What the hell did that mean?

Something was absolutely up between them, despite only being in the same room for a few minutes. I could tell Rogue was tense as hell. They’d flirted when Ghost had been at the ranch before. Rogue had all but offered up his ass, but Ghost left right after. No way had they had time to sneak off together. If they’d left things the way I thought, there was no reason for them to be acting as squirrelly as they were. I wanted to know more, but I couldn’t solve that mystery until we’d saved my brother.

“What have you learned?” I asked as soon as Grant closed the door.

“We caught another glimpse of Franco and Arturo when they made a stop for gas. As far as we can tell, Arturo is still uninjured. He was able to walk into the gas station under his own power.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance