Page 22 of The Reaper

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No way was I going to be steady on my feet, but the screen door was only a few steps away. Once I got hold of it, I could move inside, and there would be a barrier between me and Rhys. I wouldn’t be able to touch him. I wouldn’t be able to…

“I can’t do this,” Rhys said.

“Can’t do what?” Were my words really as slurred as I thought they were? I hoped to hell not.

He looked at me, and my breath caught. “Do you wanna fuck?”



My heart skipped a beat. “Goddamn. I thought you’d never ask.”

Did he think I would say no? Even if I wasn’t well on my way to being wasted, after the day we’d had and the shit going on back home, I needed a good, hard hate fuck more than ever. We were both drunk as shit, and there was no doubt Rhys would regret this tomorrow, but I wasn’t turning down the chance. He’d made the offer, and like he kept telling Grant, he was an adult who could make his own choices.

Rhys set the bottle on the porch, and it turned over with a thump. He pointed down at it. “Shhh.”

I started laughing, and he glared at me before pushing himself to his feet. He teetered back and forth for a moment, but once he’d gotten his balance, he moved toward the edge of the porch. “Come on.”

I gestured toward the back door. “Your bed is that way and so is mine.”

Rhys shook his head. “My fucking brothers are up there.”

“Yes, and…”

“Nobody can know. You can’t… Nobody… No talking.”

I grinned. “You think we’re going to be as loud as Grant and Jacob?”

“We fucking better be.”

I grinned. “Challenge accepted.”

“Can you keep a… a secret?”

“You know I can.”

“So can I.”

I had no doubt.

Rhys stumbled down the steps. I caught his arm, trying to keep him upright. Somehow my feet got all twisted up, and I ended up falling on top of him.

When he started laughing, the sound was infectious. I’d never seen him let go like that. We both lay there giggling for several minutes before he rose to his hands and knees. Seeing him like that made my cock remember what we were supposed to be doing.

“Get up.” I held out a hand as I got unsteadily to my own feet.

“Don’t need help,” he insisted. In the time it took him to get up, I almost decided to push him back down and fuck him right there, not caring who saw.

Once he was standing, he took my hand and led me toward the barn.

I glanced around as we walked, hoping all the hands were in the bunkhouse. I didn’t see anyone, and everything was quiet except for the insects chirping and the breeze rustling the trees. Everything felt heavy like the world was waiting for something.

Even with my head swimming from the whiskey I’d drunk, I knew I should turn around and go back to the house. I also knew I wouldn’t. I’d wanted Rhys from the moment I saw him, and I wasn’t going to give up the opportunity to have him.

When Rhys tugged on the barn door, it creaked loudly in the quiet night. He didn’t shush it like he had the bottle. Maybe he wasn’t as worried this far from the house.

I followed him into the barn, and he flipped on one light by the door. Everything was shadowed, but I saw the horses and heard them stamping around. A few looked over the doors of their stalls, obviously wanting attention.

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance