Page 16 of The Reaper

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“You’re here so you can stay safe, not so you can—”

“If you think I’m going to sit here waiting for someone to shoot me, you’re fucking crazy.”

“I’m not asking you to do that. I’m just asking you not to start a fight. Let us handle this our way.”

I shook my head. “Your way is slow. I like to get right to the point.”

“That doesn’t fly here. Once you’re back home, you can do things your way.”

“I wish that was true.” There was nomy wayback home. There was my father’s way and, increasingly, my cousin’s way. I was treated like a robotic death machine. Hell, my family would like me more if I was one.

When Grant had the nerve to suggest I could find something to do if I tried, I’d had enough. It was time to piss him off. “If your damn brother didn’t have a stick up his ass, I might have more to do.”

“Leave Rhys alone.”

“How did you know he was the one I meant?”

“Everyone knows. You’ve not been subtle in your interest.”

I’d never flirted with Rhys when anyone else was around, and there was rarely anyone by the barn when I watched him work. “Fuck.”

Grant glanced at me, a scowl on his face. “Don’t treat my brother like prey.”

Just how mad could I make him. “Jacob is prey. Rhys is another predator, a quiet one, the kind that jumps you out of nowhere.”

I saw the tick in his jaw, but he didn’t acknowledge what I’d said about the boy he wanted so badly. “Then why are you interested?”

Why was I interested? It was something I couldn’t explain. Rhys called to me. I needed to make him mine. I needed to meet his challenge and win. “We’re in each other’s territory, and it’s not working.”

“Rhys isn’t the only predator here.”

“I’ve already agreed to work with you, but there’s only so much I’m willing to compromise on. With him, it’s either fight or fuck, and I really don’t want to mess up his pretty face.”

“You do realize you’re talking about my brother, right?”

“Your grown-ass brother who can take care of himself. Now, seeing as he’s made himself unavailable, there is Jacob. If you’re not going to go after him—”

He had the car on the side of the road and a knife to my throat in less than a second. I’d finally pushed him as far as I could.

I wasn’t about to let him sense fear from me. I’d known what I was doing, even if I was slightly worried he was going to slice me open. “I knew I was right. You want him.”

His eyes burned with rage. “Go near Jacob and it won’t be your cousin you’ll be worried about.”

“I’m not worried. My father is worried. I take care of my own problems, and you should take care of yours.”

“Jacob is not up for discussion.”

He started driving again, and a few moments later, I took a different tack. If I couldn’t get my way with taunting, I was going to have to be nice, even if it killed me. “Don’t shut me out. I’m not going to sit here while you make up a plan to get rid of these fuckers.”

“If I bring you in on this, you’ll work with my team, which means accepting I’m the team leader, and you’re going to have to follow orders.”

I huffed. My father was the only one I took orders from, and I resented that more and more each time he put me to work.

“You might not do it easily, but I’m sure there are some people in your family’s organization you listen to.”

I shrugged. “When it suits me.”When I have to for self-preservation.

“Well, see that it suits you now, or I’m going to lock you up and put guards on you.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance