Page 11 of The Reaper

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Rogue had also brought a friend of his here—a young man named Jacob, who was on the run from his ex-boyfriend, another mobster son of a bitch. Grant was crushing hard on Jacob and trying his best to fight it, which put him in a hell of a mood. It felt like a storm was brewing over the ranch.

I’d just finished giving Jacob a riding lesson when Rogue raced into the barn. I felt his tension before he spoke. Something was terribly wrong.

“The guy is back, the one that was watching the place before. Madison saw him, and he’s got someone else with him up in the hills.”

One of our guards had seen someone prowling around a few days before. How the hell anyone had tracked one of our clients out here that fast, I didn’t know. “Are we going after them?”

Rogue frowned. “I don’t know. I guess that’s up to us with Grant gone.”

“Then the answer is yes, but I want you to take Jacob back to the house and stay there with him.”

“I’m as capable of taking this guy out as you are,” my brother insisted.

“You’re a damn fine shot, Ri, but you haven’t had years in the marines to hone your skills, and we need questions answered, not a body on our hands.”

“I’m not—”

“Keeping Jacob safe is the most important thing to Grant.” Did he really want to risk our brother’s wrath?

“I’ll be fine in the house,” Jacob insisted. “I’ll stay there and—”

Rogue and I both said hell no to that.

“For one thing, Grant would murder us if we left you alone. And you shouldn’t be on your own. You never signed up for this.”

Rogue nodded. “I got you into this. I’m going to keep you safe.”

“Y’all get to the house. I’ll meet up with Madison and Colton. Where’s TJ?” I might not want to deal with the man, but I knew he’d be an asset in a fight.

“He’s already out there with them,” Rogue said.

I was glad to hear it. Everyone at the ranch was trained to defend themselves, but none of them had anything like TJ’s skills.

The sound of a rifle firing startled all of us.

I grabbed a gun I’d stashed on a high shelf. “Never mind going to the house. Just stay here.”

I was gone before Rogue could protest. I jumped on an ATV and drove so fast I was lucky I didn’t break my neck, especially as I bounced over ditches and headed uphill.

When I got to the fence line, I saw TJ, Colton, and Madison all with weapons aimed toward the nearby trees. The only cover was the truck they were crouched behind. I pulled my ATV parallel, slid out of the seat, and pulled my weapon as I shielded myself as much as possible. TJ moved over to kneel beside me.

“Who fired?”

“I did.”

“What the fuck? We need to know who they are, not kill them.”

“It was a warning. They were getting closer.”

This wasn’t the time to argue. He’d done what he had, and now we had to deal with it.

“How many?”

“Two that have shown themselves. The blond they saw before and another man. His face is covered, but he’s larger, probably six three, and bulky.”

We waited, watching for movement. I didn’t catch sight of the blond man, but I made out the other one as he moved toward us through the trees.

“He’s older. At least forty.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance