Page 128 of My Best Chance

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I felt the anger radiating from Brooke. “I own Java Coffee. We don’t need two coffee shops in town.”

A smile curved over his lips. “It’ll be just like old times, then.”

My gaze darted from his to Brooke’s, trying to gauge her reaction.

A flush tinged her cheeks. “So, you’re back, like, permanently?”

“Looks that way,” Ben said, returning his attention to his phone and turning away.

He seemed unaffected by Brooke, whereas she was angry.

Brooke opened her mouth and then closed it.

I grabbed her elbow and pulled her down the short hallway that led to the breakroom and offices. “Are you okay?”

Brooke’s shoulders lowered the farther we got away from Ben. “I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

I knew she was worried about the new store opening in town that would be in direct competition with her coffee shop, but the fact that her child nemesis was the owner? That made everything worse.



For Thanksgiving, Easton was gracious enough to allow us to rent his vacation home on the river again. Except this time, we’d invited Jake and Nana, too.

I spent the morning helping Nana prepare the turkey and the sides while the parade played on the TV. For now, Nana decided to stay in her house. If she needed help, she could always move in with me.

The boys fished on the dock, coming inside to grab whatever food they could find until we chased them out again.

I’d never get tired of the water flowing by or the sight of Ryan and Corey, knowing they were mine, and we didn’t have to hide anything.

When the first inventory of books arrived at Brooke’s store, I helped her put them on the shelves. Now the store smelled like coffeeandbooks, the perfect combination.

We had one bookshelf of local history books and folklore and one with guidebooks on what to see in Annapolis and nearby hiking and biking trails. Customers frequently browsed the section while they were waiting in line.

The new coffee shop was opening soon, and Brooke’s stress about how that would impact her shop increased each day. I had been busy brainstorming ideas on how to keep her current customers coming back to her shop.

I was setting the dining room table when the boys came inside. They were loud and boisterous, and my heart expanded. I loved my family. It wasn’t a conventional one, but it was ours.

Tiffany was coming into town over the weekend to visit with Corey and her parents. It was the perfect excuse for him to get to know his grandparents on her side, and he didn’t have to travel to Texas since he had a game on Sunday.

“It smells great,” Ryan said, touching my shoulder.

I wanted to put my arms around his neck, but I was conscious that my brother might not be ready for public displays of affection.

Corey reached for a roll, and Nana lightly smacked his hand. “It’s going to taste great, too. Just as soon as you wash up.”

Corey groaned but headed to the sink in the kitchen.

When Jake followed, Ryan leaned in to steal a quick kiss. I’d never get enough of being together. I loved him so much.

My heart couldn’t contain the love I had for him and Corey. It kept expanding until I felt like I’d burst.

Love. Family. Spending holidays together. There was nothing better than this.

When everyone had washed their hands, we sat down and passed the food around the table. Corey lifted his fork when Nana held up her hand.

“Not yet. Let’s go around the table and say what we’re thankful for,” Nana said.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance