Page 127 of My Best Chance

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Brooke nodded toward Jake. “I almost wish I was having car trouble right now.”

Jake stood by the open bay door, his arms crossed over his chest.

I gave Brooke a pointed look. “You cannot hit on my brother.”

“I would never,” Brooke teased.

A sleek silver Audi pulled up. It was a four-door but still looked sporty.

Jake stepped toward the car as the door opened. A large man with brown hair and a beard unfolded himself from the low seat.

“We’re not open for repairs tonight,” Jake said.

The man took in the people gathered in the garage, his gaze stopping on Brooke, who’d taken a step toward the open bay door.

“Bentley Monroe?”

“I go by Ben now.” Then the man’s eyes narrowed. “Brooke Langley?”

Brooke nodded. “What are you doing here?”

Brooke’s cheeks had turned pink, her fingers curling into fists.

Ben looked from Brooke to Jake. “I’m dropping my car off for service. I left a message earlier.”

“Sorry, man. We had our grand opening party tonight. I haven’t been checking the messages.”

Something about the name Bentley was familiar. It was unusual, but I’d heard it before. I turned to Brooke and lowered my voice, “Wait, is thistheBen? The lemonade stand kid?”

He wasn’t a kid anymore. He was polished and put together. He had a presence that had nothing to do with his fancy clothes or expensive car.

Brooke nodded; her gaze remained locked on the newcomer.

“I heard you do good work,” Ben said.

Jake nodded. “What seems to be the problem?”

Ben stepped to the side of the car, gesturing to the underside of the vehicle. “I hit something on the drive here from Philadelphia.”

Brooke’s breath hitched.

Was this guy visiting town, or was he here for some other reason? I sensed Brooke wanted to know.

“There’s an issue with the undercarriage?” Jake asked.

Ben’s expression was serious as he considered his car. “I think so, but I’m not a mechanic.”

Ryan picked up the paper calendar we kept for the week in the garage. “We can squeeze you in tomorrow.”

“That works. I’ll let you get back to your party.” Ben pulled a phone from his pocket.

Brooke bit her lip and then asked, “Are you in town to visit your family?”

Ben looked up at her. “I’m opening a store in town. Bean Rush.”


Ben shrugged. “I wanted to open a business, and this seemed as good a place as any.”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance