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“But you agreed to marry him!”

We put on a good show, didn’t we? For those standing a few feet away, it must have looked so romantic and perfect. The handsome prince on one knee, offering me the diamond ring, words exchanged, the prince sliding the ring onto my finger.

Clapping, smiles, and congratulations.

I bet my mother is already thinking of the wedding gown…

The prince, his father, and their entourage stay at the palace for days. Long, torturous days and nights where I’m supposed to be by his side, smiling, showing my joy and affection.

At first, I feign sickness and stay in my room.

But I can’t avoid him forever. As I make my way to the Chapel of the Elder Gods in the eastern wing of the palace, I find him blocking my way.

It looks like his fury hasn’t abated yet. His eyes flash as he stands there, two of his guards behind him. “Who is he? The man who gave you his token?”

Shaken by his appearance, I scramble for words. Did he think to shock the truth out of me? “It’s not a token.”

“Who gave it to you?”

“Nobody gave it to me. I found it.”


“In the woods. People lose things there all the time. I just… found it on the ground.”

“And you thought it so important that you would wear it on your wrist together with my token on the day I propose to you?”

My shock is slowly fading, giving way to my anger. “Your token? You mean the token meant for princess Eleana?”

“You’re like a dog with a bone, aren’t you? I told you, I’m done with her.”

“And what was the agreement you had with your father?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“I’m supposed to become your wife,” I grind out.

“A wife’s job is to mind her own business.”

“Is it?”

“They warned me that you were too free with your words. Your father asked me to teach you some manners.”

I freeze. “Did he now?”

“And I will find out who this man is whose token you bore. I swear it. I will find him and I will throw him in the dungeons, never to see the light of day again. Or have him killed, why not?”

My blood goes cold. “What is wrong with you?”

“You insulted me in front of everyone,” he hisses. “Who do you think you are to refuse my proposal? Hurt my pride? Listen, this man you’re involved with? I’ll find out who has the merman as their coat of arms and bring them here in chains.” He steps closer, bends until his lips brush my ear. “Slut.”



“Adar!” Her voice echoes across the water, sinks through its muddy layers, reaching me where I swim in the deep.

My hands are bleeding where I’m gripping the iron net, trying to break it. For the past two years, I’ve tried to pull it apart, tear a hole in it, re-open the gate to Faerie. The net is rusty but it’s still holding.

Tags: Mona Black Fantasy