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“Iason!” His father’s voice cracks down like a whip. “What did you do?”

“What we agreed!” he snaps back. “But I made a mistake.”

“What was agreed between you?” I ask, feeling sick. “That you should court two princesses? Maybe propose to both of us as well?”

“A contingency plan,” the older prince says with a sigh. “But—”

“But I made up my mind,” Iason says, returning pleading eyes to me. “Look, I messed up. You were right, I hadn’t made my mind up yet back then—but I have now. It’s you I want. Will you be my wife?”



“I… have to think about it.”

“This is most irregular,” my mother says, her voice thin with panic. “Prince Iason—”

“What is the problem?” my father says. “The prince says he has made up his mind. It’s done. So let’s get on with it.”

“Princess… come on.” Iason is still giving me that pleading, puppy-eyed look, the ring gleaming in the palm of his hand. Not sure I’d trust this puppy, though. Innocent he may seem but actions speak louder than words, don’t they?

I look away. “I said I will think about it.”.

“Don’t make such a scene,” he says in that same quiet, placating voice and the words take a moment to sink in. “I did nothing wrong. You’re embarrassing me.”

And before I have a chance to give him a piece of my mind, he takes my hand and slides the ring onto my middle finger.

“Well done, that man!” My father starts to clap. “Congratulations!”

“Get up, son.” His father grabs Iason’s arm and hauls him to his feet. “We have important matters to discuss.”

“But I…” I stare down at the diamond on my finger, too shocked to find words. “I said…”

“You’ve said enough,” my mother says in a low, cutting voice. “Let’s go.”

“He gave me a token meant for another woman!”

“And he said he doesn’t care for her anymore. Come. Enough talking. Now let the adults confer.”

“This is my life you want to talk about!” I curl my hands into fists. “I’m staying.”

“Suit yourself. But you’d better keep your mouth shut this time.”

“You can’t make me marry this man. I have a say in this.”

“A say?” Iason approaches until he’s almost touching me. Today he smells sour, like old liquor and smoke. “You thought to turn me down? After leading me along all this time?”

“You’re the one who has another woman on the side!”

“Who says she’s on the side?” he says, a cruel edge to his tone. “And whose token is this?” He yanks on the merman bracelet, breaking it, taking it from me. “Maybe you have another man on the side?”

“That’s not… That’s mine! Give it back.”

“As long as you’re engaged to me, you only wear my tokens, do you hear me? Nobody else’s.” And he walks away.

“He’s so possessive!” Lily says, her eyes shining, coming to stand next to me. “I like that in a man.”

“Maybe in a man you love,” I say, rubbing at my wrist where the bracelet was, watching Prince Iason march out of the parlor. “Not a man you’re starting to hate.”

Tags: Mona Black Fantasy