Page 70 of The Chaos You Crave

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Damn, I was losing it.

Ashtyn walked out of the bathroom wearing black shorts which looked to be two sizes too small–not that I was complaining–and an orange t-shirt tied into a knot at her waist.

"I look like a pumpkin."

"You look like a sexy pumpkin," I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "Let's get out of here before I bend you over my desk and fuck your pretty little cunt." I was still trying to tame my semi and talking dirty wasn't the way to do that, but I couldn't help myself. While it was true, I knew it would make her laugh–which it did–and she also bit her lip, which meant she was turned on too.

"Okay, let's start by doing ten minutes on the treadmill," I explained as we walked back into the gym.

"Uhh, West…” Ashtyn grabbed my arm. "I can't run."

"Why not?"

"I'm not wearing...a proper...bra." She whispered the last word as if it was super dirty and going to get her kicked out of the place.


"And, you don't know what it's like to run with boobs flopping around. It hurts," she crossed her arms over her chest and gave me puppy dog eyes.

My eyes trailed down to her chest. "Then you can power walk."

We each got on treadmills and Ashtyn walked with her arms across her chest. I ran the ten minutes with her eyes roaming over me the entire time.

"There's a ring open. Let's go get it."

On our way over, Everett appeared with a big smile on his face, his sandy blonde hair combed back and styled to perfection. "Hey guys. Fancy running into you here."

Ashtyn let out a nervous laugh and I stared at him with a straight face. Just because he worked here and was a decent guy–at least I thought he was decent before last weekend–didn't mean I had to play nice with him.

"My first time," Ashtyn explained.

"Ah, a gym virgin? That's surprising," Everett's eyes trailed down her body and back up to her face, and then to mine, which was now fixed with a scowl.

"I'm usually sitting on my ass reading or painting."

I put my arm around her shoulders. "I figured she needed more exercise besides sex, so I thought I'd show her around here. Maybe spar in the ring a bit."

Ashtyn's eyes widened at my comment and Everett's smile never left his face. "It's good foreplay, am I right? Well, you two be good. I'll be watching." He did that stupid thing with his two fingers pointing to us and his eyes before leaving.

"That guy," I muttered under my breath.

"He's not that bad, is he?"

I hopped through the rope and held it open for Ashtyn to crawl through. "I don't know. He's okay, I guess. Never had a problem with him until–"

"Until he opened his big mouth about us fucking one time."

"Here," I handed her a pair of boxing gloves. "Put these on. Eventually, we'll practice just wrapped but to start, use them."

She put the red gloves on and tightened the straps. I put on a pair of training hand pads and bounced on my feet, trying to stay warm. If I were the one doing the hitting, I'd imagine that little prick's face as the target–his sparkling white teeth, perfect fucking hairstyle, green eyes that could never stay off Ashtyn.

"West? Where'd you go?" Ashtyn smiled as she leaned against the ropes.

"I was thinking about beating the shit out of Everett and making you watch."

She rolled her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek like the thought intrigued her. My dirty little princess. "You don't need to do that. Although the thought of you beating someone up for me is super hot. Maybe someone who deserves it though. Like the laundry list of my mom's exes. Or her current boyfriend,my boss..."

"You make me a list and I'll get started on it," I smiled before leaning into her, boxing her in. "Anyone who fucks with you is getting their face smashed in. Just say the word and I'll fucking take care of them."

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic