Page 69 of The Chaos You Crave

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Westparkedinthelot behind Brass Knuckles and led the way inside. We walked into a long, brightly lit hallway with offices on either side. He used a key card to unlock one of the doors and flicked the lights on.

"My office," he explained as he set his duffle bag down on his desk. The room was small but tidy, with a few plants in the corners and a door that led to a bathroom. "You can change in the bathroom."

"Change?" I asked as I set my bag down on the slate gray tiled floor.

"You're not wearing that to work out, I assume."

I looked down at my short skirt, oversized tee, and black Converse. I wore a thin, black lace bralette underneath–not something that would hold my boobs down during a workout. "I don't have any other clothes with me. I could've brought my gym clothes from school but I didn't think about it."

"I’d offer you something of mine but I’m a little behind on laundry. You don’t want to wear what I have. Oh, we have a lost and found up front.” I made a face at the thought of wearing another person's sweaty gym clothes. "Don't worry, we wash them all before they go in the lost and found. They would stink up the place if not," he smiled. "I'm going to change. If you go down the hallway, there's a glass door that goes out to the gym. The lost and found is at the receptionist's desk. Whoever's working there can find you something."

I dragged my feet down the hallway, passing a few more offices and walking through glass double doors that led to the gym. The far wall was covered in mirrors with various workout equipment in front of it. Barbells, dumbbells, and squat racks, among other contraptions that I didn't know the names of. I recognized the row of treadmills and elliptical machines–which were not in use. In the back, there were four red boxing rings where pairs were sparring. There were also heavy bags and speed bags. The place was nice and new, the floors were a firm rubbery material and the ceilings were tall–they'd done a great job on it considering it was empty for years before West's and Axel's dads purchased it.

I followed West's directions to the main entrance and the receptionist's desk, which was occupied by a pretty blonde woman wearing a flowy tank top and spandex pants. She was busy reading a magazine when I approached. "Hi, I was wondering if I could get something from the lost and found?"

The woman lifted her eyes from her magazine and took in my shirt–West'sBrass Knucklestee–and scowled. "Are you a member here? I’ve never seen you in here before."

"Oh, I'm here with a friend. We came in the back. He told me to check here for something to wear."

She narrowed her eyes. "Who's yourfriend?"

"That would be me," said West, walking up next to me and resting his elbows on the tall desk. "Hey Elena, could you look through the lost and found and find something for Ash to wear?"

"West, hi. I didn't see you come in," Elena blushed. Her green eyes sparkled at West and a knot in my stomach formed.Down girl. "Is yourfriendjoining the gym?"

The way she said "friend" made it clear she was jealous as fuck.

"She's my guest for now," he winked. Was he flirting with her in front of me? My body stiffened and heat unfurled in my guts. Not the good kind of heat. The kind that was ready to spiral out and fuck shit up. I took a deep breath and attempted to let the conversation roll off my shoulders. Easier said than done.

"I'll check the clothes. I'm not sure if I have anything in the women's box that would fit you," Elena said snidely before turning around and digging through a box on the other side of the circular desk.

West walked behind me and put his hands on my arms, slowly stroking them up and down. I stilled as his mouth met my neck and kissed me before Elena turned around. Okay, so he wasn't flirting with her.

"All of the women's clothes are smalls and mediums. You're an extra-large?" Elena asked, glancing back at me.

"Large, actually. Big boobs," I shrugged and smiled.

She quickly glanced at her A-cup chest and went back to the box. "Nothing in here will fit you. I'll have to check the men's clothes." As if the idea of wearing men's shorts was the end of the world.

Without thinking, I jerked forward, ready to dig through the box myself and possibly throat-punch the rude bitch, but West had a grip on my arms. "Save your rage for the ring, princess." He pressed his hardening cock against my back, making me feel every detail of his delectable appendage through his thin athletic shorts. I looked up at him and his eyes were locked on mine.

"Sorry, fighting gets me going," he winked again.

"Here, these should work. Let me know if you need anything bigger," Elena said with another fake smile before tossing me a pair of black shorts and an overly large orange t-shirt. West thanked her and guided me back to his office, keeping me firmly in front of him to hide his not-so-little problem from the rest of the people working out.

"What is it with every girl who wants to fuck you calling me fat?"

West laughed as he unlocked his office for us. "She's just jealous because you pull off that shirt better than anyone else ever has." He kissed my lips softly, setting off another round of butterflies in my stomach. "Now get changed so we can get sweaty together," he said before smacking my ass.



Shewashere.Atmy office. At my gym. My domain. The place I loved most. The place I went when life was too much. The thing I did when I was about to lose myself.

And I loved that she was here. I loved that she was willing to do something new, something that she didn't feel like doing. But she was here. And she was being a trooper, even with bitchy Elena giving her shit about her body.

Fuck, that body I loved to get lost in. The body that I wanted next to me all day, every day. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. It was driving me crazy. I couldn't imagine going a single night without her next to me. I loved the feeling of her pressed against me. I loved knowing she was safe and could get a restful sleep.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic