Page 87 of Badass Biker

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“Why? She might as well see it as it is. We need an attorney, Carter got one. Hell, I bet you told him to, Brooklyn, didn’t you?”

Brooklyn said nothing, but her lips pressed into a tight line, and a pulse pounded in a vein on her temple.

Leah had enough experience of guilt to know that was exactly what had happened. Carter had been given a club mission, her, and he’d succeeded.

She stood. “I have to go.”

“What? Why?” Belle said, looking up.

“I think you know why. I think youallknow.” Leah directed her attention from Brooklyn to Skylar. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For saying it how it is. I appreciate honesty.”

Skylar grinned and popped a stick of gum into her mouth. She chewed enthusiastically, and her eyes sparkled.

“Leah.” Brooklyn also stood. “Take no notice of Skylar. She’s just pissed Carter don’t want her no more.” She glared at Skylar. “That he’s got a new babe on his arm. A fancy one at that.”

“So you didn’t want an attorney for club use?” Leah asked stiffly.

“Well, I…” Brooklyn stuttered.

“Carter wasn’t tasked with the job of finding one?” Skylar directed at Brooklyn, taking the words from Leah’s mouth.

Brooklyn was silent. She swallowed.

Leah’s heart pounded. A dense, hollow feeling was growing in her belly, and her lower eyelids prickled. But she wouldn’t give in to tears. She wouldn’t let these people see they’d gotten to her.

She stepped away from the table. Took one last look at the office, and then marched from Nina’s.

The moment she stepped into the yard, she came face to face with Taff.

He lifted his shades and grinned. “Well, well, well, it’s beauty again. Nice to see you.” He licked his lips and his gaze dipped down her body.

“Go fuck yourself,” she snapped and stormed past him.

His laugh echoed over the concrete.

She headed for Razor’s surf shop office. Rambo watched her approach but didn’t get up from his dirty old mattress.

Leah braced herself. She had to get out of there. She couldn’t stay at the Barbarians’ compound another moment. There was distance she had to put between herself and Carter, and it was a big one.

He’d tricked her. He’d seduced her. He’d persuaded her to throw her whole life up in the air, and all because the club needed free legal representation.

She’d never trust another goddamn man again.

They were all shits.

Chapter Nineteen

“Can you unlock the door?” Leah directed at Razor.

He sat in an old leather chair, feet up on a desk and flicking through a bike magazine.

He stared at her.

“Please.” She stomped over to the door and pulled the handle. Of course, it was locked.

Tags: Lily Harlem Romance