Page 86 of Badass Biker

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“In with Hudson and Carter. Got shit to plan, he said.”

Leah knew better than to probe. She’d learned that much. She took a sip of beer.

“You should have a shot with that,” Brooklyn said, gesturing to Leah’s bottle. “I’ll go get us a round.”

“No really, I…”

“I insist.” Brooklyn stood. “My son brings an attorney to the compound, we gotta show her a good time.”

“Attorney,” Skylar said. “Well, well, that will be handy for the Barbarians.”

“What do you mean?” Leah asked.

“Always someone here that’s got themselves on the wrong side of the law and in need of legal advice.” Skylar paused. “Sure, you’ll be useful. I can see why he didthisnow.” As she’d said the wordthis, she’d flapped her hand in Leah’s direction, mainly at her breasts which were a fraction of the size of Skylar’s.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Leah glanced at the office. The door was still shut up tight. She wished Carter would come back.

“Makes sense,” Belle said. “We have a club doc, our own bar, workshop, we’re self-sufficient as much as we can be, so an attorney, well, that is … ow!” She glared at Wyatt. “What you do that for?”

“Leah’s more than a criminal attorney, she’s a … she’s a beautiful woman.” Wyatt cleared his throat. “Where are those shots?” He glanced at the bar, clearly hopeful that Brooklyn was returning.

She wasn’t.

“I bet…” Skylar said, her attention also flicking to Brooklyn. “Mommy dearest told Carter to get us an attorney. He’d do it ifsheasked him.”

Get us an attorney?

Leah stared at Skylar. What she was saying couldn’t be true. She had a deep connection with Carter. Sure, he’d pursued her, been damn insistent and resorted to dirty tactics to spend time with her, but it wasn’t just because of her profession and what she could do for the club.

Was it?

“Here.” Brooklyn set down a bunch of shot glasses brimming with clear liquid. “To health.” She sat and pushed one Leah’s way. “And not taking a bullet too soon.”

Leah touched it but didn’t pick it up.

“Leah, you’re gonna be damn useful,” Skylar said. “Good for Carter.” She raised her shot glass.

Brooklyn narrowed her eyes at Skylar but then grinned at Leah. “Welcome aboard.” She knocked back her drink then pursed her lips.

“Everyone is expected to earn their keep around here,” Skylar went on, her black nails now tapping on her shot glass. “Shouldn’t think it will be too long before you have to.” She cackled.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Leah said.

“C’mon, honey, you’re not stupid. You ain’t sitting in no church here.” Skylar gestured around. “And Carter ain’t no damn monk.” She cupped her breasts. “Hell, I should know. He buried his face here often enough.”

Leah felt a red heat prickle over her flesh. She had no problem with Carter having history. He was a grown man, a hot-blooded biker. Of course, he’d fucked around. But to have it flaunted, that wasn’t cool, not in any language.

“I’m actually going to be working full-time,” Leah said. “I’ve got a couple of interviews lined up next week.”

“Always time for pro-bono, right?” Skylar said.

Leah didn’t answer, her mind spinning. No one was disagreeing with Skylar. Brooklyn and Wyatt didn’t look happy, and Belle was fiddling with her bracelet and nibbling on her bottom lip.

Skylar let out a high-pitched laugh. “Oh, dear, you really have no clue why you’re here, do you?”

Leah’s jaw tensed.

“Skylar,” Brooklyn snapped. “Enough.”

Tags: Lily Harlem Romance