Page 38 of Resisting the Alpha

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I nodded. That was true even in my pack. My father had made a point of having at least one packmate in the force at all times – but I knew not every pack had that luxury. “I’m just surprised, I suppose. It’s not a career you see wolves often pursuing – perhaps for that reason.”

Iris’ shoulders tensed and she paused for a moment. Immediately, I thought I overstepped. “Sorry,” I murmured, not entirely sure what I’d said, but regretting I’d said it anyway.

“It’s okay. Well, it’s not, but it’s not you.” She gave herself a hard shake. “I am glad I’m a private detective. I wouldn’t change it.”

I fell silent, chewing my pizza slowly. “So is Austin your headquarters?”

Iris snorted. “No,” she scoffed. “I travel all over the country. Someone contracts me, and off I go. I’m busy enough that renting space would be a total waste of money.”

“Ah.” I didn’t think of it from that aspect, but I supposed when your country was as big as the United States of America, you’d spend a fair bit more time on the road than if you were in the United Kingdom. “I do enjoy traveling, but — that sounds exhausting,” I admitted, staring at the box and debating if I wanted a third slice.


Iris simply shrugged. “You get used to it. There are definitely some perks. No rent. No home maintenance. I don’t have to worry about keeping in touch with people when things get intense at work. Plus, I don’t have to explain where I’m going or why. I don’t mind the quiet time on the road, either. It’s nice.”

I shuddered at the idea of being stuck with only myself for company for long stretches on the road. “I’ll take your word for it,” I muttered, shaking my head. “Even if my family drives me crazy most of the time, I think I’d miss them if I spent months on the road.”Years, though?I couldn’t even imagine.

Iris paused again, her mouth opening and closing without making a sound. My brows furrowed. “What? What did I say?”

She sighed, finally pausing from her sorting to look at me. “I’m the last member of my pack,” she finally said, looking at me with an unreadable expression. “So.”

“I — Oh. I didn’t know. Iris, I —”

“I don’t want your pity,” she said sharply, shaking her head. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to nod, not wanting to put my foot in my mouth any more than I already had — but hell. I couldn’t even imagine. No family and no pack. I’d…


I had no idea.

“You can start on that box,” Iris said, pointing at one without looking at me. “You do the business stuff. I’ll do the people stuff. Divide and conquer, and all that.”

“Right,” I said, trying not to sound too disappointed. “Let’s see what we can find.”



Redwood Motel

Austin, Texas

Istirred with a small snort, jolting awake. My mouth felt dry as I propped myself up, my eyes prickly as I rubbed them, glancing around. I was in the motel room — there were files and papers everywhere. I didn’t even remember getting into bed, but I remember burning the midnight oil with Eli as we pored over…

My heart jolted, and I glanced over at the sound of a snuffle. Eli lay sprawled next to me, still fully dressed as he clutched a pillow against his chest. It would have been cute if I wasn’t so alarmed that we had just sacked out like that. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d fallen asleep next to someone. Even with the few men I’d dated before, I didn’t like spending the night with them if I could avoid it. I never felt… safe. That was probably a sign I should have left those relationships sooner, but — you live and learn.

I didn’t feel unsafe, not exactly, but that difference alone made me feel off-kilter. I took a step back, stumbling over a discarded pizza box, and Eli rolled over, blinking those pretty eyes open at me. He offered a dazed smile, his dark hair falling lazily over his face. “G’ morning,” he mumbled, the corners of his mouth lifting a little further.

I smiled despite myself, then retreated to the bathroom, both mortified and baffled. My wolf had stirred just now, blinking her eyes open and she woke from whatever sleepy place she’d been hidden. If I wasn’t already a bit knocked off-kilter, I definitely felt out of sorts now.What are you doing?I questioned her, closed the bathroom door behind me and locked it.

I didn’t think Eli would bust in on me while I cleaned myself up, but I didn’t want to find out the hard way that he had no sense of privacy.

Reliably, my wolf didn’t respond, a shimmer of presence. Blink, and you’d miss her. I forced myself to shake it off, wash my face, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. When I stepped back into the motel room, I felt mildly better, but the butterflies exploded into my stomach when I looked at Eli to realize he had sat up. His back was to me as he stretched his arms over his head, exposing a hint of skin, a tease of the muscular frame hidden beneath his shirt.

Iris! Stop it! You’ve seen a naked man before.Certainly, more than a sliver of skin. Admittedly, they were all humans, but it wasn’t as if I hadbadtaste.

Before I could work myself up any further, Eli stood, ambling to the bathroom to take his turn in a sleepy haze. He paused in the doorway, frowning. “Uh — do you mind if I use your mouthwash?” he asked, looking a bit sheepish. “I hadn’t exactly been planning on a sleepover.”

“By all means,” I said, waving a hand at the bathroom. “Use whatever.” I paused. “Except my toothbrush.”

Tags: Skye Wilson Paranormal