Page 34 of Jekyll

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I should stop writing and get ready for bed. Tomorrow is supposed to be the happiest day of my life. I should be thinking of my future, not dwelling on the past. I’m happy with my decision to be with Henry. I’m sure all this rambling is just nerves.

All I can hope is that tonight, when I close my eyes to sleep, my thoughts are of Henry and not of Hyde, although I’m probably hoping in vain. I know Hyde will return to me in the darkness. It is in my dreams that I fall prey to him. He stalks me there. A relentless predator, always seeking me through the mist. Tonight, one last time, I hope he catches me.

Then I promise I will banish the monster from my thoughts forever.



Iset Catherine’s diary aside. Guilt twisted my stomach. I should not have let curiosity get the better of me. I had snuck into our bedroom to leave her a present, a silver locket with our photo in it, before leaving for the hotel where we would be married tomorrow. Her diary was out on her vanity, open to the last page. Like a fool, I had hoped to read about her excitement about our wedding, maybe her love for me. It was my own fault I learned the truth.

She still longed for my alter ego Hyde.

I felt like Dr. Frankenstein, forever tormented and tortured by a monster of my own making.

I had banished Hyde from our lives and yet he was still there, taunting me from the ether. His words came back to me with punishing clarity.

After that disastrous attempt at seduction, can you really blame the woman for falling for the charms of a better man? Take my advice, old chap. Women detest weak men. No woman wants the hesitant caress of a bashful man. They crave the firm hand that comes from arrogant confidence and power. Even more preferably if that firm hand is spanking their backside and pulling their hair.

I set the diary aside. Leaving the small jewelry box on her nightstand where she would find it, I left the room. It had been my intention to head straight to the hotel. Instead, I crept down to the basement. It had only taken a few minutes to locate the old steamer trunk. I knelt on the cold-packed earth floor, brushed the dust and cobwebs off it and raised the lid. Nestled inside were my old leather-bound research journal and several dark glass bottles with half-torn labels. I picked one up. I could barely read my own scribbled handwriting, but I still recognized the chemical. I rifled through the rest of the bottles, making sure I had everything I needed.

Without thinking of the consequences, I cleared a spot on the floor and began to open the chemical bottles, measuring out their contents. As I worked, I could hear Catherine’s footsteps above me.

When I was finished, I stared at the crimson liquid.

I took a deep breath. If Catherine longed for Hyde, then I would give her Hyde.

I raised the formula to my lips and drank.

* * *


I flexedmy fingers and curled them into fists as I climbed the basement stairs. I threw open the door with such force it slammed against the wall. Catherine was standing nearby. She turned with a start.

I smiled. “Miss me, pet?”

The end.



Her eyes widen at my words, but a rose-colored blush blossoms on her cheeks. My cock strains against the zipper of my trousers. If she bites that lip of hers, I may not be able to hold my patience any longer.

“It’s late, Sylvia.” I slip the now empty wineglass from her fingers and place it on an empty tray that appears. “I’ll take you home. You have to be tired from your performance.”

“It was… interesting meeting you, Dorian, but I’m afraid I have to decline.”

“Oh?” I roll my shoulders back.

“I’m sure this will sound rude, and I don’t mean to be, but this…” she waves her hand around the room, “this isn’t my sort of crowd. I’m not really into this.”

“Into what exactly?” I lean lower, wanting to catch every breath she breathes.

“Being one of your notches.” Her mouth spreads wide, and I wish I could force it wider still with my fingers, then my cock.

All in good time.

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance