Page 33 of Jekyll

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Hyde complied, fucking me with a frenzy that bordered on madness.

“Come with me, baby. Come with me.”

I didn’t have to be commanded twice.

I screamed my release as I ground my hips against the edge of the table. Hyde pounded into me several more times before releasing deep inside of my ass. As he pulled free, I could feel his come dribble down my inner thigh. I didn’t care.

I stayed prone over the table like a shameless wanton.

I had betrayed Henry. I had betrayed his research. I had given in to the monster.

Tears formed in my eyes. I rose off the table and clutched the front of my dress over my naked breasts. Hyde was standing close. Uncaring of the broken chains that still dangled from his wrists, he tucked his still semi-hard cock inside his trousers and zipped up the fastening.

Hyde closed the gap between us. He clasped my jaw in his hands and tilted my head back, forcing my gaze to him. He licked my tears before saying, “We all have a monster inside of us. We all have some dark craving trying to claw its way out. You were foolish to try and keep it chained.”

“I hate you.”

“You can’t hate me. I’m as much a part of Jekyll as your own twisted dark side is a part of you. Destroy one… you destroy the other.”



ENTRY 4601-3D

Notes for DepartmentalMemo

I have brought a halt to my research. Extensive experiments have proven formula Bl88dX to be a failure. It is far too volatile a substance to recommend for human testing. My research has shown its possible effect on the human brain as well as the subject’s psyche would be devastating. The end result does not warrant the dangers of possible long-term psychosis, which I believe would be the conclusion of anyone taking the formula for anything beyond four doses. It is my recommendation that the university halt all further research in this matter. I would further recommend that none of my research be made public for further study. I feel that should the specifics of the formula fall into the wrong hands, there would be drastic consequences to society as a whole.



It’s the day before my wedding.

I love Henry with all my heart. He is sweet and kind and I cannot wait to become his wife. For the last six months, we have worked to get past the horror we experienced together. I think in the end it brought us closer together. We are the only two people in the world who could possibly understand what happened, and that creates a very special bond.

Our life is much calmer and more settled now. I love our new home together. Although I visit Mr. and Mrs. Langon occasionally, it’s nice being out of London and living in the country. I mean, sure, I miss the excitement of the city. I miss seeing the latest play or popping into the pub on a whim to have a drink with a friend. I can’t believe it, but I also miss all the noise of the tourists as they’d hobble by in the rain straining to hear their Jack the Ripper tour guide rattle off all the gory murder details. I even miss the racket of the constant traffic and passersby. There was just so much energy to living in London.

At first Henry and I would come into the city for some fun every other weekend, but that dwindled off after he proposed.

It was to be expected. We have a home to decorate and a wedding to plan. Plus, we both want children soon. Then there is my new job. I found work reviewing the research papers of other scientists for factual errors. It’s not as intriguing as being inside a laboratory when scientific breakthroughs were happening, but at least I’m one of the first people who get to read about it. Besides, Henry says it frees up time for us to be together.

The country can be so quiet and lonely at times. Still, as he says, I have Henry for company. Good, solid, husband-material Henry.

He no longer works on experimental research. He’s now a chemistry professor. I tease him on how he used to only wear tweed vests but now he wears the typical old man tweed jacket with the suede elbow patches. He teases me that he’ll soon start smoking a pipe and insist on sitting by the fire reading each night. At least I think he’s teasing.

I know this is what is best for me. This is the life I’ve chosen. It was the smart, sensible decision.

Still… there are times at night that I miss him.


I know he was not real. I know he was an extreme chemical hallucination brought on by the formula, but I can’t help thinking about him. Henry is a wonderful man, but after we’re done making love and he kisses me on the forehead and rolls away to fall asleep, I can’t help how my mind wanders. I can’t help thinking about how Hyde never made love to me… he fucked me.

I tried once to get Henry to spank me with his belt and it was an embarrassing disaster. He was too timid and kept asking if he had hit me too hard. The entire time I closed my eyes and would try and remember the harsh feel of Hyde’s grip, the sting of his belt as he ruthlessly whipped me until my ass was on fire. I’d then touch myself as I remembered how the fabric of his denim trousers would roughly brush my punished skin when he pushed his hard cock inside of me and thrust at a punishing pace.

At times it’s hard to believe that Henry and Hyde had the same cock!

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance