Page 66 of Love of a Queen

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“The monster needs to get on board, asshole. We can’t be stupid with a baby on the way.”

“We’ll be smart by staying together.”

“The bratva doesn’t want that,” I said, but my hand was rubbing his chest. “They want me standing on my own. They want you all bowing to us.”

“I’ll bow to you any day. I just need you bent over too while I do it.” He grabbed my ass and rubbed his cock into me.

My body had been more than sensitive to his advances lately. “You need to stop with that too. I read women can be more aroused early on in pregnancy. Everything is sensitive.”

“All the more reason for me to be tempting you, woman.”

“No. We need to focus on other things.”

“How about I fuck you and then we focus on other things?” His hand was already inching up my thigh.

“Rome, contact the damn doctor,” I said, but I sounded breathless. He laughed against my collarbone and then shoved himself away from the counter and from me.

My body revolted, but I gripped the edge of the granite to make sure I didn’t jump his bones.

“Fine. We’ll get some appointments out of the way, Kate-Bait.”

I nodded and wiped a hand over my face, trying to rid myself of the nerves. “I would like you to ask him how to keep my stomach from growing to twice its size and stretching me all the way to Zimbabwe.”

“Woman, I don’t think we can avoid that.” He grabbed his black phone from the table and sent out a text message.

“Well, then, I have to go shopping. For all things baby.”

He hesitated for a few seconds on that one. I knew he hated shopping. The man could barely handle me at a boutique, let alone running around looking for maternity wear. “Probably need to discuss this with all parties.”

“Why?” I shrugged and then smiled, because I knew it would press his buttons. “I got you. You’ll protect me, right?”

He shook his head at my goading and then looked me up and down. “You really want me to go? Why don’t you call Brey and Vick?” The question came out high like I was crazy and like he was a little scared.

“If I call Brey and Vick, Jett and Jax will be coming. I’m the head of the bratva now. They aren’t letting us out of their sight. Should I go with other men to shop for your baby?”

That side-eye from him came quick. “And the queen reigns. Let’s get you fed and out of those ratty socks. We call the doc and get some updates. Then we go.”

“What is with all men and trying to get rid of these socks?”

“What other men?”

“I used to wear them at Bastian’s.”

He scooped some scrambled eggs he must have made before I woke up onto a dish for me. He smacked it onto the table harder than necessary. “Fucking Bastian,” he grumbled and pointed to a chair for me to sit.

I plopped down in front of the eggs.“That was months ago, Rome.”

“It could be years ago for all I care.”

“You’ve been with other women. You don’t see me getting all hot and bothered.”

“You don’t have to see them every day like I do Bastian.”

“I wasn’t with him. We kissed. That’s it.”

“That’s it, like your mouth isn’t fucking gold.” He stood over me, one hand on my chair, one had on the table. He didn’t wait long before he crushed his lips to mine. I took in the kiss, smiling. This morning was a blip of sunshine on our dark radar.

I pushed him away after a minute, knowing we wouldn’t get anywhere that day if we kept doing what we were doing. “I’ll remind you again, I only ever kissed him. He never fucked me, okay?”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance