Page 84 of Reverie

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“No one right now, Gloria. Stonewood Enterprises needs me.”

She waved away my concern and then pointed at the champagne on my desk. “Drink this and invite her to drink it with you.”

“I’m here to work, not play.”

“Glower at someone else, Jett. I’m too tired to act like I care.” She turned to walk out of my office. “Enjoy the drink. Take a load off. The team’s working like they’re on ecstasy or something. Vick’s fun vibe is working, which means you get to work less. Enjoy it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled.

She wasn’t done. “Enjoy her. Before some mediocre idiot does it instead.”



My day wasn’t goinghow I wanted it to. I woke up late. Miranda kept screaming out of my phone.

Decline. Decline. Decline.

Steven wouldn’t shut up about us all having Thanksgiving together. Brey took a day off, which meant I couldn’t complain to her.

Josie had set coffee on my desk and, it being the day that it was, I spilled it.

I tried to maintain my composure as Steven jumped up to grab some napkins. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second.

I hadn’t spilled on my clothes or my computer. I at least had coffee to spill. I had a job to drink my coffee at.

Not that I was even supposed to drink coffee according to the nutritionist. Not that I should be putting myself under this kind of stress. Not that I even belonged here.

I shoved back from my chair, ready to take a minute in the bathroom. Or an hour.

A message popped up on my computer.

Jett:Calm the fuck down. It’s coffee.

My eyes shotup to the man’s office. He hadn’t talked to me since we’d told the Armanellis we had a deal. He’d nodded at me, walked out, and gone back to being the ever elusive, completely driven and dedicated businessman everyone knew.

A Phantom to us all. He hovered above us with the power, a stark reminder that we all had realities to face. I couldn’t figure out if his presence was actually a healthy dose of realism everyone needed or if it was a complete downer.

I sat back down somewhat violently. And my fingers flew over the keys before I could stop them.

Me: Please don’t interrupt your oh so busy schedule to worry about me and my little problem over here.

Jett: Is that hurt I’m reading under your snarky ass reply?

Me: It’s not. I just know you have work to do.

Jett: What’s wrong with you today? Where’s the radiant delight our team normally gets?

Me: I need some coffee.

Jett: And I’m sure Stevie will find you some along with some napkins to clean up the mess. Chill. Out.

Me: Go back to work and leave me alone.

Jett: I’m unusually interested in why you’re not smiling.

Me: You’re a dick.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance