Page 68 of Reverie

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“I know. I’m not enjoying telling you, but it’s the truth.”

I giggled at her discomfort. “That’s so rude. He’s not boring, he’s just not complicated. You, of all people. I wouldn’t have expected that coming from you.”

“I know. I’m a bit bitchy today.”

“Care to share?”

“Not yet,” she sighed. “Soon. Just not yet.”

I nodded and let it go. “So, it’s just him being boring you don’t like?”

She winced. “You had to ask, didn’t you? Honestly, I think I’m starting to hate hearing him call you Vicky about as much as Katie does.”

“It isn’t that bad,” I countered as I put on a little more eye makeup to match the green on my costume.

“Not now. But imagine in a year or two, it might drive you nuts.”

I shrugged and smoothed some of the leaves into place on my skirt. “He’s nice, and he wants to be married in a year or so. He told me on our date.”

Brey wrinkled her nose at herself in the mirror next to me. “He told you that on your first date?”

“To be fair, we’ve known each other for years, Brey.”

“True.” She waved at her face. “Paint me, please.”

I smiled because Brey never did her makeup when she was going somewhere with me. I took it as a compliment to my past life as a hair stylist and makeup artist during college.

As she closed her eyes, she pointed to my leotard. “I don’t think I can wear this.”

“Oh, you are wearing it. You will be jaw-dropping after I finish your makeup. We are going to win this costume contest.”

“You are.” She cracked open one of her big green eyes. “Or Jett is going to drag you out of the party because of your inappropriate costume.”

“Drag me?”

“Yup.” She laughed a little.

“Hold still. What’s funny?”

“He’s going to drag you out and have his way with you.”

“Oh, God. Please. That was a mistake that won’t be happening again. Nor do I want it to.” Even as the words left my lips, I knew they were a lie.

“You don’t have to hide it from me. I’m married to one. I get it.”

“Stonewood men, right? Except Jaydon.” I finished her eye shadow.

“Ew. Definitely not Jaydon.” Brey almost gagged, and I knew it was genuine. He was as close to a brother as she could get.

“Steven’s been perfect though. Seriously.” I sighed and sat down on the bed atop the glitter of my Victoria’s Secret flight attendant costume. That one was much too revealing even if it was one of my favorites. “He and I go way back. We were able to just comfortably talk and enjoy each other at dinner. He loves working with me, and oh my God, he loves the Stonewoods. Double dates would be amazing.”

“Or kind of weird. He kind of sucks up to them.”

I rolled my eyes. “They’re the Stonewoods. You don’t get it, but I was a little starstruck at one point too.”

She sighed and sat down next to me. “That might be true. It doesn’t really matter if you like him and are comfortable with him though.”

I nodded and assessed both of us in the mirror. “I’m definitely more comfortable with him than Jett Stonewood.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance