Page 6 of Reverie

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She didn’t cough at all. I was surprised when she kept gulping and finished the drink right then. She set the glass down without a wince.

Her triumphant smile met her eyes this time. “You ready to dance?”

Before I could answer, she spun around so fast her blonde hair whipped me in the face. Then, she was bobbing up and down as her heels carried her to the open dance area on the beach. Aubrey and Jax swayed near a speaker, along with their friends.

I grunted and downed my drink before I made my way over.

The beat of the music moved the crowd, pulsed through the bodies. I sidled up close to Vick and shrugged when Jaydon raised his eyebrows at me.

Vick lifted her hands above her head and rolled her hips while she smiled at me. “I love this song.”

I rocked just enough so I looked like I might be dancing. “Do you love everything?”

She laughed at my question. “What’s there not to love?”

She didn’t give me time to answer, just spun and dropped down low to the beat. Her friends hooted and egged her on. She bounced a little, watching me. Her antics were immature, but I had to admit she looked hot as hell doing it.

Pole dancers looked good while they worked too. It didn’t mean they should do it everywhere.

As if Vick read my mind, she leaned into me and slid her body up mine to bring herself back to her full height.

She was being ridiculous, I thought.

She was fucking hot, my dick thought.

I stepped back from her, but she followed me. “Jett, the song’s not over yet and you don’t look happy at all. This wasn’t part of the deal. Are you a man of your word?”

She moved toward me, like a little fox trying to outwit me, and I pulled my frown into a slight smirk.

I slid my arm around her tiny waist and yanked her into me. I moved against her as I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Sure am, Pixie."

She narrowed her eyes. Then she twirled around and that damn ponytail flew into my shoulder, sliding off it like golden liquid as she walked a few feet away. When she turned back around, her eyes were back to big, honey-colored saucers filled with joy. "Can you do anything other than step side to side?"

I undid the top button of my white collared shirt and when the next song’s beat hit, I stepped up to her challenge. I did the damn dance with everyone else.

After one more song, I nodded to Vick. "Man of my word. Off to get another drink."

The woman cracked another grin, like she had an unlimited supply to give out. "I'll come with you."

I headed toward the bar. "I don't want another daiquiri."

"Suit yourself. I do though."

I ordered her another one while I ordered myself more tequila. When the bartender set the drinks down, her hand shot out to grab mine, and she gulped it like a damn shot. When I protested, she held up a finger. "I just need a second before you get all crabby about it."

“The bar is open, woman. Just order one of your own if that’s what you want.” I tapped the bar and signaled for another.

She stared out at Brey laughing with Jax as she asked, "You don't want to celebrate them. Why?"

"It's complicated."

"Simplify it for me."

“I don’t believe it’ll last this way. So, it isn’t worth the effort.”

"So, you think love isn't worth the hassle?"

"Honestly, it isn’t."

Tags: Shain Rose Romance