Page 5 of Reverie

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Her honey-colored eyes widened. “OMG.” She actually said the letters. “She’s only drinking white wine today. She can’t spill on that dress. And these drinks”—she grabbed hers as the bartender set it down and shoved mine over to me—“have way too much alcohol in them. This bartender doubles down on the daiquiris, I swear. Being that impaired on your wedding day never ends well.”

I grabbed the drink. “Well if it’s got as much alcohol as you say,” I shrugged. “Bottom’s up.”

I clinked my enormous glass to hers and took a big gulp. The rum overpowered the saccharine taste to the point that I coughed and almost spit up on her dress.

She smiled wide this time, like she’d won a private fight between us. “Told you it packs a punch.”

She stood tall, chest puffed out and eyes sparkling when she got the best of someone. She clearly relished in getting the best of me. For the first time that day, I was a little less perturbed and a lot more intrigued.

“What did you say you do for a living?”

She waited a second before she answered me. She stared out at the horizon and the ocean below it, then dropped her gaze to where most of our family and friends were dancing and mingling. “Brey didn’t tell you?”

I chuckled. “Brey and I discuss business. She doesn’t share what’s not important. I know we’re looking at buying up the company you work for. Your job isn’t really a factor in that.”

She stiffened at my bluntness. “I would think everyone’s job is a factor if you want to keep people happy.”

“It’s not my job to make everyone happy.”

“Right. Well, the owner of the company I work for strives to do that. He won’t sell unless he knows his employees are taken care of.”

“Everyone sells for the right price, honey.”

“You’d be surprised what Steven has turned down. I promise he’s not in it for the money.”

I leaned back on the bar and studied her. Those eyes turned a molasses color when she got fired up. She stood her ground with me, and I liked it more than I thought I would. “You’re sure about that?”

She folded her arms over her chest and glared at me. “I’m sure.”

I shrugged and downed the rest of my daiquiri before I turned to place it on the bar. “So, what do you do within the company that makes you so sure?”

“I … well,”—she cleared her throat—“I’m one of the associate contract lawyers for Samson and Sons.”

“Samson and …" I recall chuckling a bit at the name when I’d first read over it. We would have to drop it if we acquired them. I couldn’t help but smirk as I cleared my throat. “Doesn’t matter. An associate who knows what the owner wants?”

She flipped her ponytail over her shoulder like she was fluffing her feathers. “Look, Steven and I have known each other a long time. Our families go way back. I interned with the firm, and I’m climbing the ranks fast. He’s confided in our team—and in me—time and time again. We trust him to do what’s right for the company.”

“If you say so.” The bartender appeared again. This time, I ordered our drinks. “We’ll have two tequilas straight up.”

“I don’t want—”

I cut her off. “I tried yours. You’ll try mine.”

“It’s disgusting.”

“It’s much healthier than what you’re drinking.”

“And you think I’m trying to be healthy tonight?” she snapped.

“I think we’re both doomed to feel the effects of our drinks tomorrow. Let’s just enjoy what the bartender serves us.”

“Fine.” She narrowed her eyes. “But, if I finish this drink, you have to dance to one song with me and look like you are having an enjoyable time. It’s your brother’s and Brey’s day. We have to make it the best. For them.”

I sighed and shoved her drink toward her when the bartender brought it over. “If we keep getting drinks, I’ll be able to look like I’m having a magnificent time.”

She rolled her eyes and brought the glass to her lush lips. She tipped it back fast, letting the liquid flow into her mouth.

The sun-kissed skin of her neck bobbed as she swallowed. She’d probably been out prancing along the beach every day before the wedding, singing the praises of the sand and seashells.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance