Page 22 of Reverie

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The Dick of a Boss

PS Your full name’s Victory. You didn’t correct me in Kauai. Why?

I wasn’t surprised that she responded almost immediately, and I found myself smiling at her words.

From: Victory Blakely

To: Jett Stonewood

Dear Mr. Stonewood,

Steven wanted me to be clear it wasn’t a monetary issue. I have attached the formal rejection letter. We appreciate the offer and hope to maintain a cordial business relationship in the future.


Vick Blakely

I stewed over her email for the rest of my work day, which went well into the night. I reread the legal documentation and saw that Mr. Stevie had in fact stated that he wanted to retain his roster of employees through their retirement. It was an odd stipulation and one we wouldn’t normally accept.

Yet, I called one of my team members to rework our numbers and offer an even higher payout for the company. It wasn’t my practice to adjust stipulations, so I didn’t in this case either. I wanted firing power if I needed it—always.

Over my late dinner, I pulled up her email again. Outlook let me know she was available on her personal email, the one I’d grabbed from Brey’s contact information, and instead of e-mailing her this time, I messaged her.

Me: You didn’t answer my PS.

Victory: I replied to you on my business account. I didn’t feel the PS was appropriate work conversation.

Me: Hm. And a cordial business relationship?

Victory: Yes?

Me: In your email, that’s what you wrote.

Victory: Right. Yes, we want to maintain that. What’s your question?

Me: Were you maintaining that in Kauai with me?

Victory: This also isn’t an appropriate work conversation.

Me: That’s why I messaged you on your personal account.

Victory: Want to tell me how you got this account, by the way? And your account still isn’t your personal one.

Me: I run this company and it’s a family business. I’m not concerned.

Victory: Well, I am.

Me: Fine, give me your number.

Victory: Yeah, no.

I openeda new window and signed into my private Gmail account.

Me: This is now my personal account. You happy? Answer my question.

Victory: Your question is off base and totally rude.

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