Page 21 of Reverie

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“Send me the email now, please.”

She started typing on her laptop. “Okay. Before I do …”

I didn’t have time for the explanation and warning she would give me regarding the email. “Never mind. I’ll pull it up myself.”

“What?” she stuttered out.

I already had her email opening on my own laptop.

“This is Stonewood Enterprises. I need access to all my employee’s emails. For security and efficiency purposes. You’re being inefficient right now.”

She huffed.

I shot her a look. “You’ll have the research we need for our two o’clock meeting?”

She got the hint and stood up as she slammed her laptop closed. “Access to everyone’s emails is—”

“Company policy, Brey. You read the handbook?”

Her eyes narrowed. Sometimes I wondered if she knew how big a temper she had for someone so small. “Of course I read the handbook. Did you?”

“I helped write the handbook.”

“Then you know that the way you are talking to me isn’t right. Don’t be that boss. Or that brother-in-law.”

I felt the need to crack my neck. She had a point. I wondered if sisters-in-law were supposed to be this annoying. “Just be ready at two.”

“I plan on it.” With that, she walked out, and I took a few deep breaths. I needed to talk to my brother and my dad about her working under me. I couldn’t keep reining in my temper around her. I needed an intern or assistant I could yell at if I needed to yell at them, and one who listened to me right when I asked for something.

On that note, I pulled up the email that Vick had sent Aubrey that morning.

From: Victory Blakely

To: Aubrey Whitfield

Yep. Steven said there was no way he was selling just for the money. He’s not going to hand over firing authority to your dick of a boss. He’s honestly such a moral guy. I’ll draft the legal document later.

Sorry not sorry we won’t be working together :-P

Drinks at the club on Saturday? Just tell Jax we need a girls’ night. He can live without you for a little while. Or he can come and watch us like a hawk. I know he’ll pick the latter.


Such a moral guy? As opposed to what I was? Funny that the woman who’d slept with me multiple times just a week ago didn’t have anything remotely nice to say about me when it came to my business.

I rolled my eyes and closed the e-mail. I’d brought little Stevie’s company up for no other reason than the principle of the matter.

His numbers were good, his company prospered. There were holes though. Just by glancing over the data, I could see where he could make more money, where he could succeed, and where he was faltering.

His type of business was a dime a dozen. Even so, I found myself wanting to prove a point.

Jett Stonewood

Victory Blakely

Dear Ms. Blakely,

I was informed Stevie doesn’t want to sell at the price point my team offered. Why don’t you have a talk with him and let me know what price point he thinks is fair?

Tags: Shain Rose Romance