Page 92 of Inevitable

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THE REST of the week I didn’t call any of the Stonewood men. I needed a break. I focused on studying by myself and jogging closer to home.

Katie and Vick plowed into my apartment with their spare keys on Saturday as I got ready to go visit the kids for a second time that week to pass the time.

Vick animatedly tossed keys up and down as I pulled on a black cardigan. “Rome loaned his truck to us.”

I glanced back at Katie who rolled her eyes and Vick who smiled cautiously. “So? Are you going grocery shopping or something?”

“No.” Vick waited a beat and then in one breath said, “Katie told me you have a charity that you support forty-five minutes from here and I want to go with you two to help volunteer. I like kids too, and so what if I’ve never volunteered, right? I can be a volunteer. My parents always donated to charities but never let me be involved. I was too young, and they thought it was dangerous, which now I know is ridiculous a–”

“Vick,” Katie cut her off. “You don’t need our permission to come along. You got a truck so we don’t have to bus anyway. Works for all of us. She’s coming, Brey.”

Like a mother protecting her child, I wanted to protest to introducing anyone new to something so precious in my life. “Sure.” My response was lackluster at best.

Vick face scrunched up. “Oh my God, Brey! Could you sound any less excited?”

I straightened up and painted on a smile. “Anyone who helps is appreciated.”

“‘Anyone who helps is appreciated,’” she air quoted back in a nasally voice. Then, she put her hands on her hips. “Don’t look so nervous. I promise I will be extremely helpful. I can do whatever.”

“I know, Vick.” I smoothed my hair back and wondered how I could put it nicely to her. “These children don’t have a lot of contact with figures in their lives who stick around though. My mom gave a lot to this home. It took me a long time to understand how much she did and how much I was capable of doing too. I only just started going when she passed away, and they really appreciate us being there every week. I know some would be crushed if we didn’t show. It’s a real commitment.”

“Okay, I hate when you act all professional and uptight.” She turned to Katie. “Think we could beat it out of her?”

Katie smiled. “Not a chance. That’s Whitfield-ingrained manners.”

My hands went to my hips too. “Hey, that’s rude!”

“That’s true, bitch,” Katie retorted.

Vick stayed on target. “It’ll be good for you, and it’ll be good for me. It’ll mostly be great for the kids. They need good people around them, and I’ll be committed, I promise,” she blurted quickly.

I glared at Katie because her logic seemed too logical, like she’d been prepped.

“She’s committed to annoying both of us.” Katie shrugged like she didn’t care. “She can be committed to the little minions too.”

“I know.” My heart beat way too fast. It was a reminder that I was much too invested in the organization. “It isn’t my home. I mean, anyone who wants to go can go. I just think everyone should understand that once the kids meet you, they’re hurt if you don’t show up again. I’ve seen it happen in this last year already way too many times.”

Vick nodded her head vigorously. “I totally get it.”

“Okay.” I struggled with the social norm of allowing this to happen easily and my protectiveness that was probably not necessary. “Let’s get going before Rome changes his mind.”

Vick squealed and I gave in to her excitement, laughing a little as we piled into Rome’s pickup truck.

“This is going to be so fun.” Vick clapped her hands in the backseat.

“The drive is boring as hell,” Katie corrected.

“At least Rome let us use his truck.” Vick started and then turned to me. “Brey, remember to tell Rome you drove the whole way, OK?”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m guessing he only gave me permission to drive.”

Katie’s gray eyes met mine, and they weren’t filled with guilt. “Obviously.”

“No wonder he doesn’t like you.” Vick laughed along with her. “Can we leave a Katie memento in here too? Let’s aggravate the hell out of him by dousing his truck in Katie’s perfume?”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance