Page 77 of Inevitable

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“Can’t you give it a rest or find just one girl to be serious with?”

“Only girl I’m serious about is you, Sass Pot.” He grabbed his burger and took a bite while I tried to hide my smile.

“You gonna eat or what, man?” Jay said through a bite of his burger.

“Yeah, just thinking.” Jax stared at me.

“What?” I moved my hand over my mouth. He dragged his eyes over my face again and then dug into his burger, without answering.

My cell beeped, and I grabbed it to check the message.

Rome: Just left a married woman’s house. You don’t want to know ... Can we reconsider not hooking up anymore? :-P

Aubrey: Throw me to the curb and get served. You’re on your own.

Rome: Cold, woman, real cold.

“Aubrey.” Jax’s voice was sharp. “You gonna eat?”

“Like I said, I am not that hungry,” I replied, looking back down at my phone just to irritate him.

“Is the person texting you that important?”

“My friends are always important.”

“Is that just a friend?” he asked.

I harrumphed. It wasn’t a question he had a right to ask.

He pointed one of his utensils at me. “You'll be skin and bones if you don't eat something.”

I glared. “And what am I now?"

Jax looked to Jay for help but Jay was shaking his head smirking into his food. He wasn't getting involved. “You know exactly what I mean, Peaches. I don't want ... I mean, no man wants you to be ...” Jax stumbled over what to say. “Well, they want you to be healthy. It's a figure of speech.”

I raised my eyebrows. “You sure about that? The men I hang around seem to really like models.”

He choked and then coughed.

Jay silently laughed over on his side of the table.

“What's so funny, Jay? Your ass has been dating models since your first movie.”

Jay didn’t miss a beat. “I don’t date anyone. They know it, and I know it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Can we save this for your guy talk later when I’m gone?”

Jay shrugged and changed the subject. “I gotta conference call about the movie in a few. If I’d have known you were coming over …”

I waved him off. “I didn’t call or tell you. It’s fine.”

He still looked remorseful. “I fly out to LA in a few days. You want to come to the airport with me?”

I nodded. “Of course.” My eyes flicked to Jax’s. “Rome can probably drive us.”

Jax grunted but Jay responded, “I got a driver but just come see me off.”

When he winked at me, my throat started closing and my eyes started to water just thinking about him leaving.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance