Page 73 of Inevitable

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I didn’t either.

Was he still with the woman all the magazines said he was with? Were they exclusive?

Did he love her like he loved me? Had he ever really even loved me?

The stupid voice mail I’d saved played over in my head, and I found myself going home and listening to it after studying with him.

I heard the hitch in his voice when he said those three words. I rewound it to hear it again. And then again.

The words echoed in my room, echoed in my head, echoed in my heart. Over and over again they played, making my heart skip a beat each and every time

I slammed my laptop shut. I needed to do something other than study with Jax that day. My body was shaking with a pent-up emotion I couldn’t quite put my finger on and seeing him wouldn’t make it go away.

Winner: Library at 1?

Aubrey: I think I got this assignment handled. Going to take a rain check and work on it alone today.

Winner: I guess I’ll go into the city to work then.

I silenced my phone, trying not to feel guilty about my lie. I jumped up to survey my closet and took in my wardrobe. Mostly black, some grays, some creams and whites.

Neutral. A way to blend. A way to stay off people’s radar, which was hard enough when I was seen with Jay on a normal basis. Now with Jax in town, I’d probably have to lurk in the shadows if I didn’t want people talking.

I grabbed a sports bra and black capris. One of the small splurges I’d made for myself was in the exercise department. Hell would freeze over too before I felt guilty about spending extra on my bright Nikes and a Lululemon sports bra. When a person has enough incentive to take care of their body, they should feel good doing it.

I tied my hair up in a messy bun and breezed out of my room, ready to go for a jog.

Vick and Katie halted me in the apartment hallway and Vick groaned when she saw my outfit. “We were just coming to get you. Day drinking, not jogging!”

I sighed. “You guys know I will once I’m done with this class. I can’t afford a hangover tomorrow though.”

Katie, now a redhead with black highlights, squinted at me. “Day drinking with Vick and Rome isn’t going to be any fun.”

Vick balked at that. “Whatever. It’s going to be fun because Rome will let us drink free at his new Heathens Bar. And my God, Brey, the guys he hired are drop-dead gorgeous.”

Katie laughed, and I sidestepped them. “I’ll take a rain check. Tell Rome I said hi.”

“Tell me yourself,” he said as he came out of his apartment and locked the door.

He wore all black and looked lethal with his hair mussed just the right way. I smiled at him. “Hi, Rome.”

He looked me up and down. “Not coming out with us?”

I shrugged, and Katie piped up, “Running instead.” She crossed her arms. “I just wonder why she’s choosing to do that instead.”

“I just told you why.”

“I know what you said, I’m just trying to figure out the real reason.”

Rome put his arm around my shoulders and leaned in to whisper loud enough for everyone to hear. “You don't have to answer to this little redheaded devil.”

Katie glowered as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh get fucked, Rome. Your bartender liked my hair last night. He probably will again today.”

I needed to jog and clear my thoughts, not worry about their constant bickering. I backed away and waved. “See you all later.” Then I spun around and left.

I ran near a lake and then veered off to run up a large hill.

The sun warmed my skin and the breeze cooled it as I worked up a sweat. With the trees rustling and people sprinkled throughout campus, the stress that had built in me eased out.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance