Page 157 of Inevitable

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She gyrated in my hand, her eyes rolling back as she breathed out, “Oh, God.”

I whispered for her sake, “Tell Alice to end the call if you don’t want Isabel to hear you.”

When I turned my head, her eyes were bold. Somewhere along the way, Aubrey succumbed to us together for everyone and anyone to hear.

I swear my dick got harder than it had ever been in my life, and I refrained from bringing her to a quick orgasm. Instead, I pulled my hand away as I maneuvered my way out of her and off the bed to stand before her, showing her how ready I was to dominate her while anyone listened.

Isabel’s voice came over the speakers to remind us that she could hear everything, “I can hear Aubrey just about to get off, and Jax, I know exactly how you look with your clothes off. I can picture everything. So, I suggest you both stop to discuss this.”

“Isabel, no one gives a fuck what you hear.” I grabbed Aubrey’s ankle and dragged her to the edge of the bed. I took my time sliding my hands up her calves, her knees, her soft thighs.

I bent to suck on the inside spot I circled my fingers over all the time. She shuddered and moaned loudly, finally unleashing uninhibited sounds.

I smoothed my hand up her back and then dragged my finger back down her spine.

I leaned forward to ask, “Are you ready?”

Her body purred under me like an engine ready to go. My words only revved the engine more. She nodded her head and some of her long hair fell to the side of her shoulder.

She was going to give me more because we were past holding back. I grabbed her hips and lifted her to turn her around on the bed. I yanked her hips back so that her ass was right in front of me where I wanted it.

I positioned my cock right at her entrance and combed my fingers through her hair before I started to wind it around my knuckles. I gripped the strands and pulled.

“Oh, God.” She arched her back and pushed back into me.

Her pussy wept for me to fuck her, but I wanted to hear the words. “Tell me what you’re ready for.”

She just rolled her hips and moaned louder.

“Whitfield, you want to fuck, then you’d better beg for it.”

Her pussy tightened so much, I felt it even at her entrance. I shifted about an inch away, trying to maintain some semblance of self-control. She tried to turn her head to glare at me but I tightened my hold on her hair.

“Jesus, please. Please. Please,” she chanted.

“Please what?”

“Please, fuck me. Please. Please. Please.” She was rolling her back, shoving her tits further into my hand and her ass further into the air.

“On second thought, tell me exactly what you need to come, Sweet Sin.”

Aubrey knew what I was pushing her to do. She knew she could either stop what we were doing or completely let go of everything she’d been taught.

Every day Aubrey stepped closer to the line that read unapologetic. Here and now, with me, was where she crossed it.

As she white-knuckled the sheets, she begged through clenched teeth, “Please stop with the foreplay, I want all of you in me.”

I took my other hand off of her breast to give myself some relief. I stroked my dick and told her to look back at me.

The woman submitted immediately, her eyes wide and glassy. I let go of her hair and slid my hand back to finger her more. Her pleading and chanting got louder. She warned me she was going to come with my fingers fucking her and I continued to stroke myself. She was so close, on the brink.

I took a step back right as I knew she would have hit her high.

She swore profusely and whipped around to face me while kneeling on the bed. Her dark hair cascaded over her chest and her eyes burned with an angry fire.

She looked ready to kill me and I would have smiled while she did if that’s what she wanted.

“What the hell, Jax? If you want to play games, I’ll get myself off.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance