Page 100 of Inevitable

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Katie’s smile looked a little like a maniac’s when she said, “You here to see someone?”

I just stared at her.

She scoffed, “She’s not here, and I don’t think she’ll be back tonight.”

I felt my jaw tick before I could catch it. Her smile widened.

“Where is she?” I said, practically growling. I knew the answer.

Katie just laughed and started to swing the door shut.

I wedged my running shoe between the door and the wall before she could fully slam it though. “Answer me.”

Katie’s eyes narrowed and her smile turned so saccharine, it was evident she was out for blood. Looking as if she was about to storm away, she stomped her heel so far into my big toe I’m certain my guttural cry could be heard through the whole complex.

“What in the flying fuck, Katie?” I yelled.

She didn’t even turn back around, just said over her shoulder, “Do not fuck with her anymore.” Then, she slammed the door.

I pushed off the wall and bent down to rub my foot through my sneaker. “Jesus Christ,” I muttered.

“She got you with one of those heels, huh?” Rome leaned against the doorframe of what I assumed was his apartment.

I nodded and stood up, trying to bite the bullet and talk to the man I knew had been fucking my girl. “Roman.”

His mouth stretched into a smile, “You can just call me Rome.”

I sucked on my teeth. “You happen to know where I might find Aubrey?”

The full blown smile told me all I needed to know.

“She know I’m out here?”

“I wasn’t going to wake her.”

If we’d been back in high school, when I considered her mine, I would have broken his jaw.

I wasn’t proud to admit I still considered it.

“She wouldn’t be happy,” he stated as if he could read my mind.

I raised my eyebrows in question.

From the looks of him—his wide frame and stance, the way his muscles bunched under all the tattoos, and the way his eyes watched my fists—he could probably read when a man was ready to come at him.

He’d put up a good fight, that was for sure.

He nodded at my hands like he knew I wanted them to connect with his face. “Brey’s never liked fighting.”

“Your point?”

“You’d make her more unhappy than you’ve already made her.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and let him continue.

“You’re here looking for forgiveness, and she’s not going to give it to you if you break my nose.”

“I was thinking jaw.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance