Page 27 of Illicit Ire

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“Fondle you. Do all the things to get you worked up and wet… if you want.”

“Sure, just go slow.”

“How about you take my hand and do what you want.” It wasn’t easy giving over the control, but she could have it in the bedroom—outside of it was another story. When it came to Ava’s safety, she needed to listen to me so I could protect her.

“But will that be any fun for you?” This girl was always thinking of me.

“Ava, being naked with you is fun.”

She blushed and fluttered her eyelashes. “I like being like this with you. It feels natural.”

It sure as hell did to me too. “I don’t scare you or make you uncomfortable or anxious?” I would put a stop to everything if she said “yes” or “a little bit.” She had nothing to fear with me, but I’d completely understand if she did. Ava suffered from PTSD. Some things that triggered her didn’t make any sense to me, so I made sure to be prepared for anything to head off a possible attack.

“Not at all.” She took my hand, raising to her knees to reveal her pretty pussy. There was a patch of blonde curls I wanted to bury my face in. She touched herself with the tip of my finger. “Like this?” She moved my digit back and forth.

“Do it however you like. Don’t be shy, Ava.” I was literally dying, feeling her warm heat for the first time. Being naked with my girl had been my wildest fantasy, one I’d never imagined would come true. I guessed that was why my heart was racing ridiculously fast. If this was a dream, the most realistic one I’d ever had, I wanted to get to the good stuff before I woke up.

“I’m not experienced with this sort of thing.” She released my hand as if frustrated. “I trust you, Drew. Get me ready for sex.”

“We won’t be having sex, Ava. I’ll be making love to you. It’ll be a soul-binding experience.”

Not that dirty fucking couldn’t be soul-binding. I could rock Ava’s world to the point her entire body would ache in the morning. She’d love every bit of it and beg for more.

But my sweet girl’s first time had been violent and against her will. I wanted tonight to be loving and gentle, which was weird for me. I’d been a hard-as-steel man my whole adult life—emotionless and angry. Ava brought out a different side of me. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her, like ease her into sex slowly. Give it to her softly as I made love to her…

“I like the sound of that.” She caressed my cheek. “Do you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me? I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you, Drew, but I’ll find a way.”

I adored this woman, and I was crazy in love with her. She made me feel cared for and valued. “You don’t owe me a thing, baby. Being with you is all I need.”

She kissed me, slipping her tongue between my lips. I groaned with pleasure, something I hadn’t done before Ava. Showing any kind of emotion other than anger was new for me.

As we enjoyed each other, I cautiously touched her pussy with the tips of my fingers. She flinched a little, but her kisses picked up, a sign she liked it. Hell, I liked it too. Light touches, tenderness, and an overwhelming desire to be everything Ava needed me to be made me tread carefully to not fuck up tonight.

She looped her arms around my neck, deepening our lip-lock. I slipped my middle finger between her folds. I wouldn’t insert it into her heat. Not yet. Ava needed to get used to having someone touch her before entering her—or at least that was what my gut told me.

“Oh, wow.” Her body moved up and down against my hand. “I like that.”

“Yeah? How about this?” I rubbed soft circles around her clit.

Ava tossed her head back and moaned. “Yes. That’s amazing.”

My God, I wanted to ravage her. Suck the life out of her plump nipples. Bite along the channel of her neck. Fuck her until she passed out.

Maybe someday I would.

“You’re perfect, Ava. Beautiful and sweet. You’re everything to me.” I got bolder and dipped two fingers inside, rubbing the palm of my hand against her clit. She was warm and wet and so fucking sexy.

She lifted her head. “Do you mean it? I’m everything to you?”

“Yes, baby. You’re mine. I’m never giving you up.” I captured her lips and poured all my love into her.

Ava pulled back with tears in her eyes. “You’re an incredible man, Drew Rivers.” She reached for a condom on the bed and ripped it open. “I’m ready. I want to be bound to you in every way: mind, body, and soul.”

She took my hard cock into her small hand, then hesitated as she stared at it.

“We can stop, baby.” A shiver worked up my spine when she squeezed.

She shook her head. “I don’t want to stop. Why is it leaking?” She rubbed her thumb along the crown of my dick.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance