Page 2 of Illicit Ire

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“Oh my gosh, my legs feel like limp noodles.” Sweat dripped down her temples as she kicked out her legs. I’d never seen a more beautiful woman. Her oversized T-shirt didn’t hide her curves as she probably hoped it did, especially when she put her hands on her hips. Underneath the shirt, she had a perfect set of tits and an hourglass shape.

Will someone bring me some fucking acid!“You did good. You’ll feel it in the morning. But no pain, no gain.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re in tip-top shape.” She checked me out from head to toe. I couldn’t tell if her cheeks turned pink because she was hot or if she was blushing. Probably the former, but damn, I wished it were the latter.

My chest tightened as it often did when I was with Ava. To love her as deeply as I did but not act on my desires made my soul ache… among other areas of my body. “I wasn’t always like this. It took years to get to where I am. You’ll get there too. Don’t give up.”

She stared at me with a smile. No words. Just a look that had my hands rolling into fists so I didn’t jump her bones.

There was something different in her blue depths today. I sucked at reading women. Never really paid them much mind before Ava. Whatever it was, it made my heart race.

“Do you want to grab something to eat after we’re finished here?”

Her question stopped my heart. Did she mean at a restaurant or at her home? Usually, she asked me to stay for supper. I wasn’t sure what to say.

She touched my forearm. “Drew? Did you hear me?”


“I asked if you wanted to grab a bite to eat.”

I blinked and rubbed my hand under my nose.

“Unless you have other plans. Or a date.” Her chipper voice turned quiet.

“No. I don’t have a date.”

“Y’know, never mind.” She turned her head toward the locker room.

Don’t be a fool!“Hey, wait.” I grabbed her hand.

She stopped and peered over her shoulder. Her baby blues had dulled.

I hated seeing her sad.

“Where do you want to go?” I gently pulled her back toward me. Every move I made with her was with the utmost consideration for her. The most minor thing could trigger her.

“If you have something else to do—”

“I don’t. Where do you want to go? I’m down for anything.”

She flashed one of her brilliant smiles that made my soul ache.

She’ll never be mine.

“How about Sugar Bliss? I haven’t been inside since before…” She dropped her gaze to hide her embarrassment.

Since before.Two goddamned infuriating words I wished I could remove from the English language.

Since beforethe fucking Dirty Hunter had stolen her innocence like a thief in the night.

Since beforeAva’s whole world had changed.

“Hey.” I shook her hand to bring her attention back to me. “Don’t hide from me. Not ever, all right?”

She nodded, and the corners of her full lips curled upward to show she appreciated my comment. Ava didn’t smile a lot. When she did, it lit up my entire universe.

I lived for her smile.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance