Page 15 of Illicit Ire

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“Never mind. What did you need to talk to me about?” I had to let him off the hook before he barfed on the floor. He looked sick to his stomach.

“I want the truth.” He gulped, making the Adam’s apple in his throat bob. “I can take it.”

Take it? What was he talking about?

“Why do you look afraid and sick to your stomach?” I didn’t understand what was going on with him. I was as harmless as they came.

“I’m not afraid,” he said through gritted teeth. “Tell me, what’s going on with you? You can tell me anything.” He fisted his hands, turning his knuckles white.

I covered my face with my hands like a child would do, too afraid to see his face. “You don’t like me the way I like you. There. You wanted the truth; now you have it.” My face heated, and perspiration dampened my armpits. Why had I gone down this road?

“I’m confused.”


His hand touched mine.

I didn’t flinch as I might have months ago. In fact, my heart fluttered with excitement.

“Look at me, Ava.”

I lowered my shield and let him hold my hand. We stared at each other for a long second. I wasn’t sure what to say. Luckily, he spoke first.

“I do like you.”

“As a friend.”


“Knew it.” I tore my gaze away from him.

“And more.” He tugged on my hand until I was off the desk and standing in front of him. My heart stuttered as he took charge of the awkward situation. “But I hadn’t said anything because I didn’t want you to feel pressured or to shut me out.”

“But when I jumped into your arms, you—”

“I was a brainless idiot.” He tugged me slowly onto his lap. “I’m not very good with women.” He glided his finger from my ear to down my jaw.

A shiver worked through me. I’d wanted this for so long. It took everything in me to not throw myself at him. “You’ve always been good with me.”

“I care about you.” His gaze dropped to my lips.

Oh my gosh, he wants to kiss me.Breathe, just breathe.“And I care about you.” I licked my bottom lip. “I was scared you were hurt. I meant what I said. I can’t lose you.” Somehow, Drew Rivers had become an intricate part of my life over the past year, a necessary part I never wanted to be without.

“You won’t.”

I had a distinct feeling he wouldn’t unless I made the first move or told him what to do. “Kiss me, Drew.”

“You sure?” His face moved closer to mine, and his warm breath tickled my lips.


“You can stop me.”

“Stop talking and kiss me.” I captured his lips and melted on the spot.

Drew’s body stiffened again, but I didn’t pull back. Nope, I held his face right where I wanted it and kissed him like it was the last time I’d get the chance.

I couldn’t believe how ravenous I felt.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance