Page 51 of Lawless Lynx

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Would I ever be able to control myself around a sexy, beautiful woman? Jaynee was off-limits from the start, yet I tried to kiss her in my bathroom not fifteen minutes ago. I’d like to think it was me being my usual self, a ladies’ man. When I saw someone I wanted to get with, I went for it. No holds barred.

With Jaynee, it was different. I was intensely drawn to her. Led not by my dick, although he’d like to get inside her sweet pussy, but a force deep in me. I wanted something more than sex.

When I was with Jaynee, which hadn’t been often, flickers of hope sparked in my dead soul.

It was convoluted. I would never have the kind of future I dreamed of.

I tracked Jaynee and Sadie’s movements in the nursery. Church was in half an hour. Instead of leaving them in my room, I brought them to the family unit. They’d be more comfortable here. Jaynee could meet Maddy and Emilee and see how the club was safe with other children and women who weren’t club girls.

I was more than a little afraid to tell her she was on a compound belonging to the Knight’s Legion motorcycle club. When she saw me put my leather cut on, I saw the instant alarm and judgment in her pretty eyes. She hadn’t called me out on it, but I could tell she hashed a plan to bolt. I needed to defuse her.

She came toward me, hands in the pockets of my zip-up hoodie. Under it was one of my white T-shirts. Not nearly enough material to hide her hardened nipples. My cock strained against my jeans as I stared at her. Even in plain old gray sweats, she was breathtaking.

“This place is incredible.”

“Do you like it?” Crap. Judging by the wrinkle on her forehead, my question put her on guard.

“What is this place? You haven’t told me where you brought Sadie and me. Are we even in the Twin Cities anymore?”

I glanced at Sadie coloring at a table made for pint-sized humans. Now was the time to fess up to Jaynee. “Come sit with me.” I jerked my chin to a couch along the wall.

“You’re making me nervous, Zander.”

I sensed her hesitation. In turn, it made me equally nervous. If things took a turn for the worse with her, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. I couldn’t let her leave. Not with her possessive baby daddy after her.

A few tense seconds floated between us after we sat down. The words were caught in my throat.

“Zander, come on. Talk.”

I exhaled. “I’m in a motorcycle club. People around here call me Lynx.”

“Lynx? I thought your name was Zander?” She studied me as if meeting me for the first time.

“It is. Zander Quinn. My road name is Lynx. Nobody calls me Zander, except you and Sadie.”

“You’re a biker?” Her gaze lowered to my cut.

“Yes. I swear you and Sadie are safe here.”

“I don’t know anything about motorcycle clubs.” She took in the room again. “Where is this place?”

“A couple of hours west of Minneapolis.”

She gaped.

I put my hand on her shoulder. “Don’t freak out. Last night was a clusterfuck. Those men who took you and Sadie work for Richard. I needed to get you out of the area, and you weren’t conscious for me to ask your opinion. I had to make a snap decision, Jay.”

“I understand. I think.” She bit her bottom lip.

“Prospects are bringing your luggage to the club. It’s not safe for you and Sadie to return to your hotel.” I rubbed her arm, closely watching her process. “What are you thinking?”

“Richard’s going to be pissed his men didn’t get me.”

“I’m sure he will be.” Especially when he finds out two of them are dead and the other sang like a canary.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance