Page 14 of Grimm

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Molly laughed. “I’m sorry. Of course, you have a say. I’m just worried for your safety until we know who broke into your room and what he was looking for.”

Dezi’s lips twisted. “Me, too. But you don’t have to provide protection for me. I’ll be fine on my own. After all, it will be broad daylight. Surely, he won’t attack me in the open.”

Molly frowned. “I don’t want you taking the chance. If you feel more comfortable with Grimm, I can let him go for the day. Either way. Hank or Grimm. I will worry if you don’t take one or the other with you.”

Grimm held his breath. As much as he trusted Hank, he would feel more comfortable if he knew what was happening with Dezi all day, which meant being with her.

Dezi’s brow knitted. “I hate tying up anyone else’s time when it’s personal stuff I have to accomplish, not lodge business.”

Molly shook her head. “Sweetie, you’re my friend. I hate that you were attacked here at the lodge. I feel responsible. Even if I didn’t, I’d still want to ensure you had protection in case another attempt is made.”

Dezi sighed. “If I have to have someone tag along, I’d like Grimm.” She gave Hank a crooked smile. “No offense.”

Hank held up a hand. “None taken. Having someone along you already know helps.”

“I don’t actually… We’ve only just…” Her cheeks flushed a charming pink. “Yes, it does.”

Grimm almost grinned at her discomfort. She’d wanted to tell Hank they didn’t know each other, but she’d backed off the comment and let it go.

“Then, it’s settled.” Molly pushed back her chair and stood. “There are scrambled eggs, bacon and toast on the buffet. I’ll let you help yourselves while I see to the dishes.”

“I can do the dishes,” Dezi insisted.

Molly cocked an eyebrow and stared at Dezi’s bandaged finger. “It’s hard enough to do dishes with two hands. It’s nearly impossible with only one.” She tipped her head toward the breakfast buffet. “I know you want to get to Bozeman soon. Go on.”

Dezi nodded. “Thank you.”

Molly left the dining room, pushing through the swinging doors into the kitchen.

While Dezi loaded a plate at the buffet, Hank leaned toward Grimm. “You sure you want to take on protection duty? I thought you and your team all wanted out of that world?”

Grimm cast a glance toward Dezi, wondering if she could hear their words. “I was there. That guy had a knife up to her throat, but he didn’t cut her. My bet is he’ll try to find whatever it is he thinks he needs, and Dezi is the key.”

Dezi returned to the table with a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and a biscuit. “What?”

“Nothing.” Grimm shot to his feet and held her chair while she settled into it. “Did you hear what we said?”

Dezi nodded. “I did. I’m thinking he wants the letter my uncle sent to me. Otherwise, why wait until now to break into my room? It has to be the letter.”

“Grimm sent me a copy of the letter.” Hank’s eyes narrowed. “It’s logical to think that list of clues might be what the attacker was searching for.”

“Yeah,” Grimm said. “But who would’ve known your uncle sent you that letter? Seems to me he wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to know he’d sent clues to his only niece, especially if it would put you in danger.”

“It had to be someone he knew,” Dezi said. “It could be the attacker wasn’t sure what he was looking for, just that I’m my uncle’s only living relative. If he knew something about a treasure, the only person he might share that information with would be me, right?” She took a bite of scrambled eggs and chewed.

“It wouldn’t hurt to ask around,” Hank said. “Maybe one of his neighbors knows who he was in contact with before his death.”

Dezi nodded. “I’ll do that. As it is, I’m sure I’ll have to deal with his belongings and clear his rental.” She sighed. “Makes me want to bake an apple crumble pie.”

Hank laughed. “Why do you say that?”

Dezi shrugged. “Whenever I’m down, I bake something sweet. It makes me happy.”

“Whatever works for you,” Hank said. “I go for a ride on my favorite horse.”

Grimm stared out the closest window. “I go for a run. It helps to clear my mind.”

“And I bake.” Dezi finished the food on her plate. “I’ll be ready in ten minutes. I just want to brush my teeth and grab my purse.”

Tags: Elle James Romance