Page 13 of Grimm

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“I really have nothing else of value,” she said.

“Come on. We need to let Molly and Parker know what happened. And there’s no way you’re going to Bozeman alone tomorrow.”

“It’ll be broad daylight. No one would dare to attack me in the daylight,” she said. “Would they?”

“We’re not going to take the chance. Maybe we can hire one of Hank Patterson’s Brotherhood Protectors to be your bodyguard.”

She shook her head. “I don’t have the discretionary budget to hire someone to stand guard over me whenever I leave the lodge. Hell, I’m not sure it would help. There are so many corridors. I’ll be okay on my own.”

“Not happening,” Grimm said. “That man could’ve killed you for a stupid slip of paper. You’re not going out alone. If we can’t come up with a better option, I’m going with you.”

Dezi stared around at the destroyed furniture and her scattered belongings and realized she didn’t want to go to Bozeman alone. Not when the guy who’d done the damage and held her at knifepoint was still on the loose.

She had nothing anyone could possibly want. Her hand went to her back pocket. She pulled out the envelope and the sheet of paper inside.

“We should take a picture of that letter in case it gets lost or misplaced.”

Dezi’s lips pressed together. “Or stolen.”


Grimm was surprisedto see Molly at the breakfast table so early the next morning, sitting with a man whose reputation preceded him.

The man rose from the dining table and met Grimm with a handshake. “Michael Reaper,” he said with a smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m—”

“Hank Patterson.” Grimm shook the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you, sir. I believe I must have heard more about you than you could possibly have heard about me. You’re a legend from my Special Operations days and since.”

Hank grimaced. “Now, I’m really feeling my age.”

“Not at all. I must have followed your career path. Everywhere I was assigned, I heard tales of your exploits and accomplishments.”

Hank shook his head. “And I did some research. It wasn’t hard to find information on your own successes on active duty.” He tipped his head toward Molly. “Not sure how much Drake told you about my organization, the Brotherhood Protectors. I won’t bore you with a sales pitch, but know this, you’re always welcome to join the Brotherhood. Your skills and services are needed.

Grimm felt a tug of pride that the great Hank Patterson wanted him to join his civilian security agency. From what he’d heard, only the elite of the elite were invited. “Thank you, sir.”

“The offer remains open for whenever you’re ready.” Hank’s gaze met Grimm’s. “In the meantime, I understand one of the lodge staff had an unfortunate encounter last night.”

Grimm nodded. “Yes, sir. The room of the lodge chef, Dezi Thomas, was broken into last evening, and then she was held at knife-point until the assailant escaped, leaving Ms. Thomas shaken but unscathed.”

“Ms. McKinnon asked if I could provide Ms. Thomas protection until we find out who was behind the breaking and entering and attack on the chef.”

Molly nodded. “After the sheriff left last night, I wasn’t comfortable with Dezi going alone to Bozeman. I called Hank early this morning. He was good enough to come right out.”

“As I was discussing with Molly, all of my team are engaged at this time, but I would be happy to accompany Ms. Thomas to Bozeman and provide her protection until one of my men frees up from his current assignment.”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” a voice said from the far end of the dining room.

Grimm’s pulse quickened as he turned to face the woman who’d been on his mind throughout the night. He’d barely slept as he’d listened for any sounds coming from the other side of the wall. He held out his hand to her as she neared them.

Dezi laid her hand in his and smiled up at him. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” he echoed. “Did you sleep well?”

She snorted softly. “Not really. I was hyper-aware of every little sound.”

Grimm wanted to say,Me too, but refrained. Instead, he squeezed her hand gently and pulled out a chair for her to sit with Molly and Hank.

“Are you all planning my day?” Dezi cocked an eyebrow. “Because, if you are, could I have a say?”

Tags: Elle James Romance