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Vladik nods. The woman beside him raises her paddle and says, “Thirteen,”

“Thirteen million dollars.” The auctioneer waves his gavel in the air. “Going once, fair warning, going for thirteen million dollars.”

“Seventeen,” the man at the back of the room says. My heart plummets. My eyes dart to Ares. He’s rising from his seat, but Hermes tugs him back down. Ares’ eyes are black and fathomless. My Sir is not happy.And why should he be? We’re here for Vladik.I’m supposed to go to Vladik.

“Going once. Going twice?” The auctioneer glances at Vladik, waiting on the Russian’s answer as surely as the rest of us. There is only silence. “Sold to the gentleman in the back for seventeen million dollars.”

“No!” I scream, but I’m dragged offstage. Through the throng of moving bodies, I see Ares getting to his feet. His gaze meets mine, and in them is despair, and an apology.

Sold.I’m sold. To the wrong man. I collapse against my bodyguard.Sold. And now I’ll never see my Sir again. I’ll never kneel before him.

I’m the property of someone else.


I no longer belong to my Sir.

Once again, I’m cast out.Alone. Owned by a new Master, and I have no idea how to exist without my Sir, or what fate has in store for me.

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