Page 75 of Arranged Hearts

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Oh, how I hate that word leaving his lips or any word that leaves his mouth. In fact, it would be better if I cut his tongue out and sliced up his whole body while I was at it.

Way better.

“Why, my dear, you look a little…” he lifts his glass and smiles, “… sleepy.”

“I hate you.”

“No, you don’t. You’re just confused. That boy confused you.”

“He’s a man. And he fucks better then you do, that’s for sure.”

His chair shifts back quickly, scraping along the floor, and then falls over at my words. Magina doesn’t even flinch, already asleep with her head on the table.

I expect his hand before the blow connects. It hits me hard. Knocking me over, my hands barely catching me as I fall to the floor.

“You will not speak of him while I am here.”

“Why? You don’t like to know that you suck at fucking? That’s why I went to women to fulfill my needs until that man touched me?” I taunt, even through my haziness and laughter, I turn to lie on my back. He kicks my side, and my eyes close in pain. I can’t fight it any longer, and it simply hurts to keep them open. I feel his breath near my neck as he lowers.

“I’ll find him and bring him to you in pieces. Tell me which one was the best to fuck.”

I have something to say to him. I do. I swear. But I can’t seem to work out how to say it. My eyes get heavier, and I hear his footsteps fading away before I finally pass out.

* * *

Slowly and groggily,I return to consciousness.

What? Where?My head is a mess.

Tired is an understatement right now. But I know I shouldn’t be sleeping. Yet, when I open my eyes, I see the sun shining down on my body. How is that possible? The last thing I remember is falling asleep on the floor while Scott was here.

Oh my God.



I try to sit up, but my stomach hurts, as does my face. My fingers dig into gravel, and the air is crisp as it breezes over me.

“About time you woke up.” I turn to find Scott standing there, surveying the area. “I bought this place,” he says, looking back at me. “When I did, I didn’t think‘what a great place to hide a body,’but now that I am here, with you…” He pauses, his cruel gaze boring into me. When he smiles, a shiver runs through me from head to toe. “Do you remember when we met?” he asks much too nicely. “I knew then that I wanted you.”

“That’s sick.”

“Is it? You were happy to marry me.”

“I was not happy.” I fight back.

“It’s a dump, this place. Just over there, if you step far enough, you will never come back. It’s a hole. Used for rubbish. It’s so deep that the rubbish will drown you as soon as you land.”

“Do you plan to throw me in it?”

“I’m not quite sure, but I think so,” he says, walking over to me. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a photograph, and then throws it to the ground. I look at it, confused. “It’s your mother, in case you have forgotten.”

“I know what she looks like,” I reply.

“I met her when I was around your age,” he starts, striding away from me.

I try to move but can’t. My body feels heavy, my hands are aching, and my head is throbbing.

Tags: T.L. Smith Erotic