Page 30 of Arranged Hearts

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“I do.”

“Well, it’s been a week now, and she isn’t answering my calls,” she says as we sit down for dinner. Everyone is here. Piper watches as Lucas shakes his head. “I invited her for dinner.”

My mother grins before she gets up and heads to the kitchen—she’s always liked Adora.

“She won’t come,” I tell her as I reach for the glass in front of me. She left, and she made her point. And even though I had a hand in it, I didn’t think she would, but I should have known better. She never does what’s expected.

“She will.” Sailor smiles like she knows something the rest of us don’t. The doorbell rings, and everyone goes quiet. Sailor stands and walks quickly to answer the door. I hear soft voices as we all sit silently, waiting to see if it’s Adora.

She wouldn’t, would she?

“Look who decided to join us,” Sailor announces, leaning down and smiling at Jerome. “I have a little girl around your age. Her name is Wren. She’s making spaghetti right now with her nona. Want to join them?” Jerome holds on to his mother’s hand, and my mother walks out holding Wren’s. Mother takes one look at Adora, then immediately walks over and hugs her before she bends down and introduces herself to Jerome. He goes with them, leaving Adora standing there by herself.

“Sit. I’m hungry,” Keir tells her.

Adora looks around the table to the only free seat, which just so happens to be right next to me. I can see the fight in her eyes as she decides whether or not to come closer.

“Sit,” Keir says again. And this time, she does move, and I pull the seat out for her with one hand.

“Thanks,” she whispers as she sits.

Chanel is the first to break the silence. “The bookstore,” she says. “I miss it so much.”


“Do you plan to open another?” Chanel asks.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. I owe some money to someone, so once I pay that, I guess I’ll see.”

“Well, I, for one, hope you do.” Chanel smiles.

“I can help,” Lucas offers, and everyone looks to him. “What? I did last time without any of you fuckers knowing. I enjoy books.”

“Yeah, don’t we all know,” Piper chimes in.

“You just need to get laid more.” Lucas waves her off.

I feel Adora relax a little next to me, which makes me mad. She doesn’t get the luxury to do that.

“So… your sister is a whore,” I state, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Asks me every day to fuck her.”

“Joey,” Sailor admonishes.

“What? I’m telling no lies.”

“So, did you fuck her?” Adora asks, lifting a brow.

“No, not quite my style.”

“What is your style?” she inquires, smiling, but it’s not the nice one like the one she gave me last week. “Watching, if I remember correctly.”

“Yes, that and smart-mouth whores who know how to fuck.”

“Well, shit! Lay it all out for us to hear. I’ve been told I’m a good therapist,” Lucas says.

“No, you ain’t,” Chanel says, rolling her eyes. “Never take advice from Lucas unless it’s how to kill someone.”

“Hey, I know how to make you come with just a few words.”

Tags: T.L. Smith Erotic