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"And I saw the wisdom in that," I agree, "and we were friends. So, it’s not like I set out to show you off to my father. But then I saw the way he looked at you. Saw how he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Hell, he didn’t stop himself from interrupting when we fought in front of him. So, I knew you’d caught his attention. For once I wanted to show him that I had something he didn’t. That I was better than him. I thought I had youth on my side. He may have money—"

"Which you’re going to inherit one day."

"And which I’ll donate to charity right away, but that’s not the point. The fact is, for the first time in my life, I had one up on him. I had something he coveted. For once, I was better than him. At least, I thought I was. I was sure you’d choose me over him."

"This is crazy." She shakes her head as if to clear it. "If you knew he wanted me, then why did you agree to me taking the job in his company? Why were you fine with me working with him? With me accompanying him to the office... with working in such close quarters with him?"

"Because I wanted to make a point. I wanted to rub his nose in it. I wanted him to realize I had won this round."

"This is not a competition," she says in a harsh voice.

"Apparently not. I never stood a chance. I never thought that you’d fall for him. I should have realized you’d turn out to be like every other woman. Show them a loaded wallet and they can’t see anything else. I thought you loved me, Lena. I thought you were on my side."

"I am," she cries. "I am, Isaac."

"Until you weren’t." I set my lips. "I’m going to fuck you, Lena. I’m going to show you that I’m every bit as good as my father— No, that I’m better than that bastard. I can do better than him, Lena." I square my shoulders. "I’m going to do better than him. Just you wait." I lower my head to hers.

She turns away. "Stop, Isaac, stop."

"Kiss me, Lena, just give me this chance to prove myself."

"No, get away from me. Please."

"Just one kiss. That’s it. A kiss."When did I start yelling?

She strains under me. "No, Isaac. You’ve lost your mind."

"I’ve lost my mind? I’ll show you—" I press my lips to hers. The next moment, I’m hauled away from her. I hit the floor, and the back of my head smashes into the hardwood. The breath rushes out of me. Stars fill my vision. When it clears, I stare up into the angry face of the bastard who calls himself my father.



"You. Keep your hands off of her." I stab my finger in the direction of my son.

Isaac sprawls on the floor next to the bed. He glares back at me with an expression I recognize. It’s very similar to the one I saw on a daily basis when he was a teen.

He jumps up to his feet and rushes me, but I’m ready. I bend, and lift him up and over my shoulder.

Lena screams.

Isaac crashes into the nightstand. The jug of water overturns and smashes into the floor. Shards of glass glisten amidst the pool of water.

Isaac groans, then lurches back to his feet. "I’m going to kill you," he growls.

"I’d like to see you try." I crack my neck, then beckon to him.

He bares his teeth, then jumps forward.What the—?He lands a fist in my cheek. My head snaps back, and stars fill my vision. Pain shoots down my spine. I stumble, evade his next hit, snap out my fist and land it in his nose. The sound of cartilage being smashed fills the space. To his credit, Isaac doesn’t cry out. Blood drips from his nose, down his chin and onto his shirt.

"Stop it," Lena yells.

Isaac shakes this head, drops of blood flying off his face and blotting the floor.

"Still haven’t learnt to fight, have you?" I shake out my fingers, then beckon to him again. "Think you have it in you to hit me again?"

"Stop, JJ, you’re going to kill him," Lena pleads.

I ignore her, narrowing my gaze on my son. "I should have done this a long time ago."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic