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"It’s not like that, Isaac. Truly. It’s just this… this chemistry between us."

"Chemistry?" I laugh. "If that were the case, you wouldn’t have cheated on me."

"That’s not true. What we have, it… it’s not enough, Isaac."

"Are you saying you never had any feelings for me?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I care a lot about you, Isaac. You're probably my best friend. In real life, outside of my books. "I love you, and I never wanted to hurt you."

"But you have. And it looks to me like you have the hots for my father's wealth. How he can wipe away all your debts in one go. How he can, no doubt, take care of your family, too. Have you planned it all out, Lena? Have you decided to get pregnant while you’re at it, too? So you can lure him into marrying you and setting yourself up for life, you—"

"Stop it." She marches around the bed and raises her hand, but I catch her wrist.

"Going to slap me now?"

She tugs at her hand. “Let me go."

"Why should I? You’re my father’s whore now. Maybe I should fuck you one last time and send you back to him with my scent on your skin. Would he like that you think?"

"Stop." She tries to pull away, but I tug on her arm, then twist it behind her back. I tug and she falls against me. Her breasts smash into my chest, her hips cradle mine, and my cock instantly snaps to attention. She must sense it, for her eyes widen and her cheeks redden further. Her breath comes in small gasps. "Don’t you dare, Isaac."

"Oh, yeah? Give me one reason why I shouldn’t fuck you? You cheated on me, so you owe me, Lena."

"I don’t owe you anything, Isaac. I was the one who supported you when you were too lost in your head to figure out how to pay your bills or keep a roof over your head."

"That’s why you fucked my father? As payment for all the times you took care of me?"

She furrows her forehead, a look of abject helplessness on her features. "I know you're upset and you want to hurt me, but you have to know that's not why I—"

"Shagged my father?"

"You know that’s not why I did it, Isaac. I didn’t mind taking care of you. It was my role as your girlfriend—"

"You’re no longer my girlfriend."

A drop of moisture squeezes out from the corner of her eye. "I’m so sorry, Isaac."

"Well, you can apologize by fucking me one last time." I begin to shove her toward the bed, and she resists.

"Stop. Stop it, Isaac." Her voice rises in pitch.

The band around my chest tightens further.Why are you doing this? Why are you scaring her? Let her go already. She doesn’t want you, she’s made that abundantly clear. And she wants him instead.Once more, my bitch of a father has managed to get the better of me, just like he did when I was growing up. He won almost every fight I had with him then, and he’s managing to do it now, too.

I shove her back. The backs of her knees hit the frame of the bed, and I push her onto it. She falls onto the bed. I throw myself on her, covering her body with mine.

"Isaac, what are you doing?" she pants. Her features are flushed and her pupils are dilated. You might be fooled into thinking she’s aroused, except for the fact that she slams her fist into my shoulder. "Let me the hell go," she snaps.

"No." I first grab one arm, then the other, and twist it over her head. "You slept with my father; now it’s my turn."

"This is not some competition, you asshole."

I stare at her, then chuckle. "Of course it is, sweetheart. Haven’t you realized that by now?"

"Wait, what?" She blinks rapidly. She surveys my features and understanding dawns on hers. "Is that why… No, it can’t be..."

"If you mean, did I bring you here with the notion of flouting you in front of my father, then you’re right."

"What?" she chokes out. "I don’t believe you. You had feelings for me, Isaac. We felt… something for each other. We’ve always been friends. I was worried about you, about us. I'm the one who insisted we approach your father for help."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic