Page 86 of We Belong Together

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Nixon nodded. Quinn was fairly sure that was his language for most things. She wondered who he’d had to talk to in his life. Friends from school, maybe? Would he miss them?

“I know a pilot who has the last name Payne. His call sign is Agony,” Quinn said.

“That’s a good one,” Dylan said.

“Another is called Blaze because he burns everything he tries to cook. Another is called Dice because he is always taking chances and risks.”

Quinn talked to Nixon until they reached the hanger. He had to be tense and nervous. Two days ago, he’d lived with his mom. For better or worse, he knew that when he woke his life would be a certain way. That had been ripped away, and everything changed. That had to mess with your head.

She was returning to Ryker Falls different too. She’d slept with Luke Trainer and knew she’d never forget it.

“It will be okay, Nixon. We’ll get through this,” Luke said to the boy, as if he was reading her mind.

They got out of the van and headed to the hangar. Once there, she did her preflight checks, and the others stood chatting. Nixon followed her.

“What’s that?”

“Horizontal stabilizer,” she replied.

He proceeded to fire questions at her as she moved around the plane.

“You been in a plane, Nixon?” Luke said when they got back to where he stood watching her.

“No,” the boy said.

How was it she felt Luke’s eyes on her when she’d didn’t notice if the others were looking her way? She’d played it cool with Luke, but last night had affected her. She didn’t know why she’d done what she had with him. But she did know she wouldn’t regret it. Not now or ever.

“You all load up now,” Quinn said.

They did as she asked. Quinn pulled a bag of M&M’s out of her pocket and handed it to Luke as he passed her.

He snorted, taking it.

“Thought it might help with Nixon, and you being such a scaredy cat when it comes to flying.”

Luke stood in front of her blocking the others from her view.

“I may just have to make you pay for that comment.”

And just like that, she couldn’t breathe.

“Speechless, Captain Harper? Remind me to talk dirty to you more often.”

“I… ah, I’m not speechless.”

“Sure you are.” He smiled. That killer smile that made her feel just a little off balance.

“How do you feel today?”

“Better. I talked to my brothers, and after what we—”

“Sssh,” she hissed, her eyes looking over his shoulder.

“What?” He wore a sexy grin. His hair was all over the place, jaw covered in stubble. Dangerous and sexy as hell with bruises on his face.

His hand stroked her chin, and then he was turning away, those long legs taking him up the stairs and into the plane.

Quinn followed, telling herself to get a grip. He was just a man, and they’d had sex. End of story.

“You my copilot, Nixon?”

The boy looked excited and terrified. She fitted his headset in place, then fired up the engines and made herself focus on the flight and not the sexy-as-hell firefighter in the back dividing up M&M’s.

Easier said than done.

Tags: Lani Blake Romance