Page 63 of Fear is the Key

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“You haven’t told them?” She let out a bitter laugh. “Well, my friends, numbers are dwindling. The AS has been attacking members in South America and Asia. They act nearly dormant here, but outside of the U.S., they’re killing us. There are more defectors each month as people go into hiding or renounce their connection to the Society. Our parents are trying to come up with solutions, but they can’t agree. Some of the men want to treat the young women like breeders, but of course, that was shut down.” She made a disgusted face. “The other obvious choice is to hide away the young and vulnerable. They’re talking about splitting us up and sending us away.”

I gasped and addressed Luca. “She’s wrong, right? Please tell us she’s lying.”

There was a pain in his eyes I’d never seen before, and slowly, he nodded.

“What the hell!” Sky roared. “What are you talking about?”

Gavin started to talk but slouched against the table, speechless. He hadn’t known either? Did Daniel and Tessa decide not to tell him, or did they not know?

“Explain, Luca,” Noah ordered.

Luca rolled his shoulders and addressed us, acting very much like his father. “The best option they’ve come up with to protect those of us under eighteen, both those with abilities or not, is to find safe locations. Places the AS either doesn’t know about or can’t access. It’s not finalized yet, but the chancellor of South America has implemented it with positive results. There hasn’t been a single attack or killing since they sent the youth away.”

“Away? What are you talking about, Castello?” Sean asked.

“Schools, estates large enough to accommodate a handful of teens and children, even a few monasteries,” he answered.

“Monasteries?” Vince’s eyes were wide. “They’re going to turn us into monks?”

Luca sighed. “No, it’s just a protected location. They do their schooling online.”

“What does this have to do with relationships?” Aaron asked.

Gwyneth looked down for a moment before meeting his gaze, “If we’re in relationships before they send us, they’ll keep us together.”

I looked at the guys, and they seemed to relax a fraction. They wouldn’t split the six of us up?

“That’s not set in stone,” Luca cautioned, and my hope vanished. “Leadership has discussed the idea.”

“When is this planning on happening?” Sky asked.

“I’m not sure. They haven’t made any final decisions besides agreeing they need to do something,” Luca admitted.

“I don’t want to be sent off to some convent alone,” CeeCee’s voice was just above a whisper.

Gwyneth reached over and took her hand, “I won’t let that happen. I don’t think they should split up any of us. With the exception of Avalon, we’ve known each other our whole lives. We might not get along like we used to, but I trust you all. I know that if it came down to it, you would have my back.”

“That’s generous,” Noah mumbled.

“She’s right,” Sky sighed. “We might not be as tight as we used to be, but I’d do anything for you guys. No matter what: we’re Society. If someone threatens one of us, they threaten us all.”

“Literally,” Vince said. It was rare to see him scared, but I could tell this topic was really freaking him out.

“Why didn’t we hear about the attacks?” Especially with us looking into the AS. Why didn’t anyone warn us?

“The council didn’t want us to panic,” Gwyneth replied.

“Too late,” Tyson said.

“Our parents are okay with this?” Sean asked.

“If they know.” Luca shrugged. “I’m not sure if the council has told any of the adults yet or if they want to come up with a plan first.” He glared at Gwyneth. “Nothing is concrete right now. For all we know, our leaders can take care of the problem before they have to make a decision. This is The Society’s top priority across the globe. They’ve dedicated as many resources as possible to stopping the AS.”

“Would they go as far as agreeing to what the AS has wanted this whole time?” Gavin asked.

“If it comes down to saving lives, they might.”

CeeCee gasped. “But that would mean telling the world who we are. Doesn’t that put a bigger, more deadly target on our backs?”

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal