Page 26 of Fear is the Key

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“I asked my dad about Juliet and got more details about her background.”

“That’s great. What did you find out?”

“She was born and raised in Grand Rapids. Her parents are Angela and Duane, and her brother’s name is Brian. She also went to Michigan State. That’s all I was able to ask before he had a call.”

“That’s more than we had before. Thank you, Avalon. I’ll pass that along as soon as we hang up to see if that helps with the search.”

I wasn’t sure if he was trying to make me feel better or if it would really help. All I could do was hope and try to get more out of my dad.

Three days pass without an update from Daniel, but I took it as no news is good news—if that could even be possible at this point. I couldn’t pay attention in class, and the guys noticed right away. At least they helped me with notes and my homework, so I didn’t fall behind.

I just wanted answers.

That seemed to be the theme of my life lately. Before moving here, I don’t think I ever stopped to wonder about things like I did these days. I had no reason to think that my life was anything to question. I knew my mom and dad. I was a normal teen going to a private girls’ school that kept me blissfully unaware of the drama that surrounded most people my age.

Life was simple. I had a routine with clear expectations of what I was to do, how to act, and what to think.

It was easy to miss that, but knowing what I know now, I don’t think I would want to go back. I would give anything to have my brother and best friend back, but with all the changes I’ve faced in the past seven months, I realize now I wasn’t meant to fit simply in a box.

I had so much more potential now that I knew the truth of who, and what, I was. I knew my purpose. My family extended far beyond those who share my blood. If anything, I learned that blood means little. It's the actions that matter. I can feel the love from Tessa more than I ever did from the woman who raised me.

This was just another bump in the complicated road of my life. I refused to give up all hope that Juliet was anything other than sincere. She loved my dad, and he loved her. I don’t know if I could forgive myself for ruining that.

But if she really is affiliated with the group that sought to destroy the Society, it was going to be hard to explain that away.

“Are you okay?” Luca asked from across the lunch table.

I forced a smile. “Yeah, just distracted.”

“You have been for days. What’s going on?” Sky asked.

“I’m still waiting for more information about Juliet and who she is.” It was the same answer I’d been giving them for days.

“Any updates?” Sky asked Gavin.

He shrugged. “Not that I’ve heard, but I’m sure they would tell Ave before me.”

“Did you get anything else from your dad?” Noah asked.

“Just how old she was when she moved here and what her first job was. I’m hoping that will help build a timeline or something, but so far, Daniel says they can’t find anything.”

Noah sighed, and Luca leaned forward. “Has anyone considered whether she’s using a fake name?”

I blinked. “No.”

Gavin rubbed his face. “I don’t think so.”

“They had to have tried other variations if you gave them her place of birth,” Vince jumped in.

“It’s not like we know the hospital she was born at,” Luca pointed out.

“I told them her birthday, but what if that’s not right either?” I couldn’t believe how complicated this was becoming. Why was she so hard to find? “Wouldn’t they see any other Juliet’s born on that day in Michigan or at least that county?”

“They should,” Luca agreed.

“But this isn’t necessarily a top priority,” Noah said. “I mean, it is for us and our families but not the Society as a whole.”

“So they might not be trying every angle?” I confirmed.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal