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“I don’t give a shit,” Enzo muttered. “Guilty by association in our world.”

I had to agree there.

“What about your lord? Fallon Vasiliev? Do you trust him?” Enzo asked.

“We’re currently on the outs. His stories didn’t quite add up. We’re waiting for him to prove himself,” I answered.

Enzo shook his head. “I hope he does. I saw the way your girl was looking at him. She’s in love with him.”

“I’m aware,” I muttered.

“I assume that situation didn’t happen in a good way.”

“No,” I said. “But it is what it is. He’s not a bad guy. He’s saved our asses a lot in the last few weeks. I’m just covering my bases.”

“I would too, which is why Cole is out there, letting Fox know that our girl isn’t allowed around Anson Beyers anymore.”

“That’s not going to end well,” E said, sighing.

I watched as he pulled a packet out of his pocket and doled a small amount onto the table then snorted it up his nose.

“What’s that one?” I asked.

“Sugar coma. Small amount,” he said, wiping his nose. “It’s the one I designed to help with anxiety. Figured I’d need it for later. I haven’t added it to my line yet.”

I didn’t press the issue. The guy looked like he had enough on his plate as it was. Rosalie struck me like Bianca did. She didn’t like this business. She was a talented girl, who wanted a good, clean life. This life wasn’t it. This life would get her killed. Enzo had to know that. They all did. I was never going to let go of my girl, but these guys were different. They weren’t like us. They weren’t hardened monsters. This world was newer to them. They were navigating it like fucking masters though.

We sat for another hour, the high slowly wearing off as we discussed business. Territory lines, costs of product, exchanging relevant information with each other like boy scouts. When we were done, Levin and I walked out with the guys.

We’d gotten to know them a lot better. While I was still leery, I felt comfortable.

“See what you can do with that stash,” Enzo said, nodding to the briefcase in my hand.

He’d simply given it to us, no charge, to let us try to sell it. It was another one of those good faith things. I liked the way he conducted business. He wasn’t as shady as I’d assumed he was. Lorenzo De Luca actually seemed like a good human, if any of us could be calledgood.

“Call me or one of the guys. Let me know how it’s going,” Enzo said as we stepped out his front door. “Maybe we can get our girls together one of these days.”

“Let’s hope it’s under good circumstances,” I said. “This world can steal everything you love in the blink of an eye.”

Enzo nodded. “I’m becoming more aware of that, unfortunately.”

“Accept there isn’t a lot you can do about it unless you’re willing to let go. This life is about choices. Some of those choices aren’t ones we want to make,” I said.

“You can see it too?”

I nodded. “It’ll come to it. It always does.”

Enzo blew out a breath. “Be safe. Let me know how things are moving. We’ll be able to ramp up production if we need to.”

“I will.” I strode to the car, where Levin was already waiting. I felt well enough to drive, so I got behind the wheel and started the engine and pulled down the long driveway to the road, nodding to the guards as I left.

“What do you think?” I asked as we raced down the highway.

“Those horsemen are fucked with their girl. They might be even stricter than you are.”

I scoffed. “Bianca knows where the line is. She toes it, but she’d never cross it.”

“Cute that you think so, but she’s wild. Probably just another reason why I love her so much.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic