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Ethan handed the bag back to us. “There’s enough for a few more hits. If you need more, just text me. I’ll have it sent over.”

“Take our numbers,” Enzo said. He and Dom went through the process of exchanging numbers.

“Bianca, do you want to try some?” Ethan asked.

“No,” Dom snapped immediately, pulling his attention away from Enzo.

The room went silent.

“She doesn’t use. Ever.” Dom glanced around the room and cleared his throat. “We’re trying to get pregnant. I don’t want her using drugs.”

“Well, shit. Congratulations,” Cole said, sliding forward on the table and wincing. “I want to try for another one, but everyone tells me to chill out. Rosebud is too busy with school now anyway, so I’m trying to relax about it.”

“You have kids?” I asked, blinking at him.

“No.” Cole sat back. “Our baby died.”

“Fuck,” Fallon muttered.

Levin gave B’s shoulder a squeeze as she stared at Cole.

“This ring. It’s all I have left of Blossom,” Cole continued sadly, showing us the ring on his thumb. All the horsemen had the same ring on. “But I’m hopeful we can try again someday.”

“I’m sorry,” Dom said. “For your loss.”

A pained expression crossed Cole’s face before he glanced away.

“I’ll text you,” Enzo said, breaking the silence that had descended over the room. “Good luck in the meantime. If anything comes up, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the guys.”

Dom nodded.

I guessed we were finally done. And high off our asses. Levin helped B up. Dom cast a look at her, but she shot one back to him that made a muscle thrum along his jaw. Instead of going to her, he yanked the door open. The horsemen stepped out after wrestling Cole off the table and removing his IV.

B hung back with Levin. He murmured something to her I couldn’t hear. Fallon shot me a look, letting me know he was worried about how angry B was. I shrugged as we followed everyone out.

Dom stood at the inside entrance to the building talking to Enzo.

“May I have a word with Bianca?” Enzo asked. “It’s something for Rosalie.”

Dom looked back at B coming down the hall with Levin and nodded.

“Fine. I’ll wait outside.”

“Thank you,” Enzo said.

I cast a curious glance at him as I passed by. Something told me whatever he had to ask B wasn’t going to be good. But for who, was beyond me.

At least things were looking up though.

Thank fuck. Now. . .onto the fun stuff. I just hoped Levin and B were still on board.



Iwatched as Dominic strode outside with Vincent, leaving only Enzo behind.

“May we speak?” Enzo asked, glancing at Levin. “Alone.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic